cachukis's JournalJust finished reading the indictment and haven't heard a
discussion as to why the boxes were moved.
Trump thought he would maintain his residence in the White House. He was not a particularly organized manager of paper as he rarely wrote or read.
He was unprepared for his move and packed up a great deal of culpability.
He was looking through every box for assets for the future and documents that might expose some of his malfeasance.
He was called out by NARA and had to comply. The only boxes initially returned to the archives had already been gone through. That's why he hid them and had the attorney sign off.
He moved them to Bedminster to continue his evaluation. He carried them elsewhere to keep them close.
He marked boxes and asked for new covers because he left clues.
I have not read or heard why he moved them, but it is obvious if you read the indictment.
He let the attorneys look through the boxes he had already scoured and asked them if they found anything good or bad.
The questions about why he was so worried about the boxes need to be answered.
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