MerryBlooms's JournalI wouldn't want this guy within a mile of any elementary school.
Dear School District 304,
As a courtesy Im letting you know Ive engaged the American Center for Justice and Law (ACLJ) as well as multiple conservative and verteran groups. Im also contacting IL state legislators.
I WILL NOT stand for my children standing in front of the flag, hand on heart, reciting a corrupted Pledge of Allegiance that leaves out liberty and has students stating they will obey all rules and commands of teachers. I witnessed this first hand today and am ashamed. You are teaching fascism plain and simple. My children will not grow up as blind followers who dont think for themselves.
I can think of no reason for having a separate pledge for kindergarteners and first graders then indoctrination of the young. Not going to happen on my watch. Ive shed blood for this Country and will do so again if necessary.
My mother spent 12 years in a prison camp. Im NOT ALLOWING you to introduce a Nazi way of life into the USA.
Kind Regards,
Colin M. McGroarty MBA, MCSE
As usual, the wonketteers are cheeky monkeys-
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