42bambi's JournalWith all this hype in regards to
gun lovers rights, what ever happened to our rights to - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Have those rights been forgotten? How can we pursue happiness when we live in fear of losing our life?
Media Circular Waste of
Trump sends out his tirade tweets.
The media responds to Trump's tirade tweets.
Trump then responds with another tweet about the media's response about his tirade tweets.
The media then discusses Trump's tirade tweets about Trump's response to the media's discussing his tirade tweets.
Rinse - Repeat
Result: Circular waste of time.
The Lid Has Come Off The Pot
Each and every day the brainwashing of one third of the US population continues. For those who have kept a lid on their self righteous hypocrisy, Trump has given his endorsement to expose what's in the pot. He continues to tear away any sense of civility in favor of his version of who and what Americans should - or shouldn't be. His hate and racism, along with his lies and bigotry, has infected those who have a deep inner sore. But with an everyday dose of Trump's hate, those wounds will fail to heal. Trump's cult like followers are digging in deeper and deeper to protect what they fear the most
their identity, along with their perception of what Trump has promised to give them.
We democrats recognize the utter failure that has been put upon us and our country. We all need to work together - to right the ship. We are the inclusive party. We are open to new ideas. We believe in science and technology. We offer love, not hate. We are realists. And the best part of "us" is that we believe in each other. Together we can pull the weeds of yesterday and become the blooms of tomorrow.
The Pretender
The pretender walked down the stairwell
With his famous face - almost tan
His long red tie making its statement
Then those dreadful words were uttered
Leading to a crucial moment in time
Instantly mindful of an impending disaster
Forthwith a moment of angst and unease
A time to fear the cost of civility
And to witness the loss of gains
Many things will slip backwards
And other doings will be eliminated
Soon to be in the midst of threats and spite
And days of hate and bigotry
Still - time won't change the pretender
And while waiting for an ending
New beginnings are waiting also
Thus we must not allow the liar in chief
To change the very best in us
Dear Leaker, if you're on DU, the time
has come to leak the full report, NOW - BEFORE Barr has his press briefing in the morning.
A backroom plan...
In my desperate attempt to understand the noteworthy connection between Mueller, Rosenstein, and Barr, I have this persistent niggling in the back of my mind. Because, as I listen to these three men agreeing with each other, it's leaving me with the impression of an intentional unity. Come on - what are the odds that all 3 would use the same talking points - unless of course that is part of a bigger long range plan. This so called allegiance to Trump may be a planned "stall" tactic. Could they be placating Trump
leading him to believe that he is in the clear
keeping him under the radar while they continue to investigate.
We know that there are many more to testify. We know about Mueller's mystery investigation. We know that there are ongoing investigations into Trump's businesses. We know there are multiple lawsuits against Trump. We know that everything Trump has been involved with stinks! We know he does NOT want his tax returns to see the light of day! We know he creates diversions every day. We know he is constantly projecting. We know he is a liar. We know he is becoming more and more unhinged. In the meantime, it's what we don't know that's so frustrating.
My hope is that Mueller has got this.
A bigly thanks for the heart.
OMG - Please make this stop!
How did our country ever survive without Trump! nt
Thank you so much for the hearts.
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