42bambi's JournalBernie's message to many of his followers is to stir up
desperation and anger, then excitement, eventually promising them stair steps to hope. Their reaction is expected based on Bernie's actions. Eventually this continued action/reaction results in an emotional experience that satisfies some voters quest to be "taken care of." Each time they meet up in a rally they are being reassured by Bernie, the guy that understands them, and is looking out for "them!" When in reality this path that Bernie's has taken his voters on hasn't been completely laid out to the extent where I'm unsure whether his policies and promises are understood by them. They only "feel" an outcome that's in their favor and are justifiably dug in. My hope for them is if Bernie loses this election they remain active in whatever it is that drives them to keep fighting the good fight.
Dear Leader's Cult would follow him to his grave!
Let me share a scenario. So - I'm in a
courtroom with a guy that has raped me. He is sitting just across from me. I have an attorney. He has an attorney. I have plead my case stating that this man I am pointing to viciously raped me. The man looked at the judge and said, I know it was an inappropriate act, I also know is was wrong. The judge looked at my rapist and said, yes it was inappropriate, and you have admitted it was wrong. After a pause of about 5 seconds, the judge looked at me and said, this man has just admitted that what he has done was wrong...therefore, understanding that he acted in the manner he did was because of his personal needs, I will rule in his favor. The end.
That ruling was made by one judge. Today there will be 53 judges ... we already know the ending.
If some of the Republican senators thought Trump was doing
something inappropriate and wrong, why didn't they speak up all during the time Trump was abusing his power? They are just as responsible as Trump!
Another day for Dear Leader as he sits alone in his
hidey hole musing over what to stir up next, a toxic sludge begins to ooze out of his lizard brain landing onto his security blankie, aka, his twitter machine. Counting on a "perfect" hateful message to use for slinging more poo at his enemies, he smirked and was ready. Being driven by revenge and breathing heavily with his open anal shaped mouth, he continues. After deciding which vile dishonest and vindictive words to write, he's primed and eager to conjure up one of what he considers to be a "perfect" tweet ... his hate reaches a climax. Satisfied, he hits send. Dotards cult is now feeding on their diet of daily tweet hate. Momentarily the orange one slides into his fight zone and is at the ready to continue with his vicious assaults on his opponents. Although he's proud of what he believes to be his major accomplishments, he knows he's in deep dark doo-doo if he can't pull off another win. The bloated turd concludes he must conjure up another evil and disgusting diversion ... and we wait.
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