BrentWil's JournalYou are on a Jury: What Proves a Rape Occurred
All these rape threads made me think of one of the most basic problems with the crime, namely that it is hard to prove. There are certainly some exceptions, such as when the act is extremely violent, but in many cases it is simply his story versus hers. In such cases, what would you need to come to the conclusion that a rape happened and the defendant is guilty?
Why is military retirement and health care not on the table?
We have seen several sources state that Obama would consider Medicare and Social Security on the table to get a "grand bargin." With so many cuts, the militaries retirement and Tricare be on the table also?
Rape, Violence against women, etc... Are my, my friends, and my families attitudes odd in America
I am seeing multiple threads on rape tonight. Was I raised and do I live in a different world then most Americans? If I ever hit a women or raped someone, my family would fucking disown me. I don't think my friends would talk to me (or maybe they would, but I know my family wouldn't). I always considered the attitudes of my family boarder line conservative/sexist. In fact, my parants are conservative and hold the view that women are to be almost protected. Opening doors, letting them eat first, etc.
In other words, I would never think about using violence against a women. Nor do I think of my friends as doing that or would do that. Yet, I see all these rape statistics. It doesn't make since to me, on some level.
Am I living in a bubble?
Capitalism is not the enemy. Capitalism has improved the Lives of millions.
In general, life on planet earth has improved. Capitalism, has produced great advances for humanity and uplifted the standard of living of the poorest. The days of massive famines killing millions in China and India are over. In general, the world is much off.
While there are certainly many facts that I could use to back this up, one of the most convincing is Daily Calorie Intake Per Capita per each country in the world. A very interesting chart can be found by the following link. It shows each country globally and caloric intake from 90 onward.
One thing comes across. While there are certainly some notable exceptions (i.e. The Congo), the developing world is getting more to eat on a whole. Moreover if the chart went back further, the gains would be even more profound. Capitalism, as a whole, has a positive effect on the lives of people. THere are poor people, but in general, they are better off. They are much better off then the centrally controlled systems in the old USSR or even in India of the 1950s.
Then, what is the problem today? I would suggest the problem today isn't capitalism, but an understanding of how to maximize the benefit of capitalism. Keynesian economics is basically right, in that it is demand that drives the system. Governments have an important role in helping to build a middle class and helping to ensure increased consumption. Use of the government to moderately redistribute some wealth is actually essential for a capitalist society to continue to grow economically. Doing so increases consumption and continues to fuel the system. While such redistribution can go to far and hurt growth, a progressive tax code(for example) helps economic growth.
West Point chapel hosts its first same-sex wedding
Pretty neat story. If you need a reason to cheer Army versus Navy, here it is
Penelope Gnesin and Brenda Sue Fulton, a West Point graduate, were exchanging vows in the regal church in an afternoon ceremony attended by around 250 guests and conducted by a senior Army chaplain.
The rest of the story is pretty interesting also.
If you were Obama, would you trade a carbon tax for keeping income rates the same?
I read this OP today and found it interesting. Carbon tax are mentioned as a means to raise revenue.
So, if you had to trade to get a carbon tax, would you? Would you give up raising income taxes?
Rush Limbaugh is a dumb fuck:Thinks WH Petition to Nationalize the Twinkie industry is from Obama
There is a petition on the WH site to "Nationalize the Twinkie industry" Clearly started as a joke.
"We the undersigned, hereby request Barack Obama to immediately Nationalize the Twinkie industry and prevent our nation from losing her sweet creamy center," a petition on the White House "We the People" website requests.
For those who want to sign. I think it would be pretty funny if it got 25K signatures.
We the undersigned, hereby request Barack Obama to immediately Nationalize the Twinkie industry and prevent our nation from losing her sweet creamy center.
That said, Rush Limbaugh is fucking dumb. He thinks this is Obama's doing and he will step in.
Rush Limbaugh is a dumb fuck:Thinks WH Petition to Nationalize the Twinkie industry is from Obama
There is a new WH petition to "Nationalize the Twinkie industry" Kind of funny. Clearly a Joke.
"We the undersigned, hereby request Barack Obama to immediately Nationalize the Twinkie industry and prevent our nation from losing her sweet creamy center," a petition on the White House "We the People" website requests.
For those who want to sign. I think it would be pretty funny if it got 25K signatures.
We the undersigned, hereby request Barack Obama to immediately Nationalize the Twinkie industry and prevent our nation from losing her sweet creamy center.
However, Rush Limbaugh is dumb enough to think this is a real effort directed by the White House.
What a dumb fuck.
Do you think the GOP wishes it took the "Grand Bargain" now?
I don't know how many of you have seen this, but this document provides what the administration offered the GOP as its final offer. It is amazing what the President Obama offered. Cuts in Medicare, Social Security, Tricare, etc. I wonder if the GOP wishes it took it?
I would also say, if this is how far he is willing to go, there really should be a deal by the 31st.
WH Petition: "Keep the United States United"
This is a petition I found that is a response the secession crap and is very close to reaching 150 signatures. That would make it publicly viewable and help it to reach 25,000. It currently has 136 signatures. I would ask for you to sign, if you have a chance.
Keep the United States United
The United States of America was founded on principles of democracy and cooperation. We have gone through over two centuries of triumph and turmoil, but more importantly,we have done so as a united country.
Times have been tough for all of us; some states are frustrated to the point of petitioning for secession, but now is not the time to be divided.Their actions can only harm our country. The best way to help the American people is not through bipartisan bickering, secession, or the general lack of cooperation that runs rampant in our country. The best and only way to help the American people is by continuing to be one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
We the undersigned implore the Administration to do everything in its power to keep our nation united.
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