IronicNews's JournalComic Psychotherapist Gives Some Powerful Advice to Weiner: Absurdity Today with Julianna Forlano Ep
Funny stuff and much needed satire:
He saw something. He said something. And THIS is What Happened. Absurdity Today Ep 42
Absurdity Today took on the surveillance state and was recently called 'Too Dangerous for TV'. Whodathunk a comedy show could be dangerous...
FUNNY POLITICAL:Racism Irony & A New Way to Silence Dissent; Absurdity Today w/Julianna Forlano #41
Killer iPhones, a 3rd moon for the Earth, and the race to cut out the racist:
All in this week's episode of Absurdity Today, the independent news parody series hosted by political satirist Julianna Forlano.
Pennsylvania is now officially the new Texas: Absurdity Today with Julianna Forlano Ep. 40
Possibly one of my favorite episodes ever; especially "The Tamponator". Feeling Lucky...Punk?
Alan Grayson Stands Up to Republican Attempt to Push Through Keystone Pipeline.
HR 3, which passed the House last week and will now go to the Senate where it has a good chance of passing, declares that a presidential permit is not required to approve the completion of the Keystone Pipeline.
It also seems to be declaring a lot of things that aren't true:
FUNNY: Got Scandal Fatigue? Here's the Cure...Absurdity Today Ep. 39
Got Scandal Fatigue?
Scandal Fatigue: n. A condition whereupon suffers "can't F'ing BELIEVE these partisan, government and/or corporate media pricks are crying victim to actions they themselves have been guilty of for the last 40 years and FLOODING the airwaves with this crap when there are REAL scandals out there to cover and actual work to be done."
Sufferers of Scandal Fatigue often exhibit tell-tale symptoms such as the sudden uncontrollable urge to rant, publicly or by audibly grumbling to oneself; increased anxiety; and a strong desire to self-sooth by watching internet cat videos. In severe cases, suffers may start to believe that Meet The Press is a balanced national conversation. Seek immediate attention if Fox News starts sounding rational.
Luckily today there's a cure: fast-acting Absurdity Today with Julianna Forlano. Taken weekly alongside your regular dosage of independent media, and Real Time/ Daily Show/ Colbert Report /Viewpoint regimen, Absurdity Today can arrest your symptoms in under two minutes.*
Side effects include increased mirth, feelings of well being without dampening the desire or ability to be an active participant in democracy, spontaneous laughter but not in the crazy way, and a sense of community.
Try this video to see if Absurdity Today is right for you:
*These statements have not been approved by the FDA, probably because they are true.
DAMN! This Crappy Mom Could Have Stopped the Sequester! Absurdity Today w/Julianna Forlano Ep. 38
&feature=youtu.beFunny! America's Most Dangerous Tumors Are Not What You Think: Absurdity Today Episode 37
Who would you pick? Satirist Julianna Forlano gives you her picks.
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Member since: Fri May 6, 2011, 10:29 PMNumber of posts: 129