IronicNews's JournalSATIRE WINS 5/4!: "Supreme Courting! Pun Intended, Absurdity Today with Julianna Forlano
The Supreme Court rulings, a ban on swearing AND perhaps, the dirtiest joke we've ever alluded to: all in this week's progressive political news parody, Absurdity Today, hosted by Julianna Forlano
Alternative title for this week's episode:
"Mexico: Its not just the water that will make you crap your pants."
GAME OVER! Fukushima's parting gift isn't Turtle Wax: Absurdity Today with Julianna Forlano
Fukushima, Private Prisons, and Paul Ryan's budget: What do these things have in common? Besides being part of a media blackout, and possibly 3 of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, they are all topics on this week's Absurdity Today, the weekly progressive news parody hosted by Julianna Forlano.
Absurdity Today: The Vatican is Leaking!
Here's the latest in political news parody!
Absurdity Today: We FOUND The Money JP Morgan Lost! Guess Where?
We are back with another satirical take on the news. If you could use a laugh and love politics Absurdity Today is for you.
OWS in Political Satire: See Absurdity Today! With Julianna Forlano
Hi All,
Political Satire coming up!
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Member since: Fri May 6, 2011, 10:29 PMNumber of posts: 129