Mc Mike
Mc Mike's JournaltRump is such a cowardly bitch, and so exquisitely bitchy.
Such a straight talking tough guy, who runs to his flunky courtier underlings to start a smear campaign vs who he wants to vote off the island.
'O.K. Let's go around the circle, why do we all hate Ashley and think she should be off the cheerleading squad?' 'Whoops, I almost forgot. First go around the circle, why you all think I'm great and the bestest president. Then we'll get rid of NSA Ashley.'
It had to be done. We can't have the ranks see our C in C
blubbering openly.
Bad for morale.
He folds unread newspapers into Napoleon hats like nobody's business.
He got real good at it thru marathon practice sessions during 'executive time'.
Funny how everything is an emergency and crisis. But
SIMULTANEOUSLY he's the greatest most competent leader ever, and everything is so much better under him, since he's been in charge. He's done such a great job as leader, his leadership has been great and successful on every issue, on all fronts.
Also there are national and international emergencies and crises, everywhere, and he keeps having to declare them and grab unconstitutional extrajudicial power, or else he can't lead or do anything about any of them.
Schizo doublethink. Right in the open, in everybody's faces.
Good, in depth article. Rec, thanks.
It could add info that the catholic part of the ratline, which aided nazi war criminals, acted through opus dei and spain.
JP II was a chemical salesman for IG Farben, before the war ended.
The Federalist Society are bircher founded and funded, in '82. (see sourcewatch: ) The birchers had been virulently anti-catholic, up til that time. Ask JFK.
The opentabernacle article points out that "In 1982, Pope John Paul II designated [Opus Dei] as a personal prelature, that is, they are under the sole jurisdiction of the pope and no other prelate." ... "Non-Catholics are welcomed as cooperators who assist the educational and social undertakings promoted by the Prelature. "
The question I have is when the non-Catholic cooperators clause was added to the opus dei program. 1983 is when JP II and his Doctrine office head deputy Ratzinger altered canon law to let catholics join protestant freemason groups (which the birchers certainly sprung from and utilized) --
"Unlike the abrogated 1917 CIC canon 2335,[27] however, 1983 CIC canon 1374 does not name any groups it condemns; it states:
A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty;[k] one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict.[83]
This omission led some Catholics and Freemasons, especially in America, to believe that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons might have changed..." (because it had changed.)
In '74, 'ex'-nazi, new klan leader Dave Duke started allowing catholics in the klan, which resulted in some other klan groups allowing them in. The klans also certainly sprung from and utilized the US protestant freemason groups.
(On edit: Duke first ran for office in LA in '75, and LA had a uniquely large % of the electorate that was catholic, for a southern state. Probably explains his reversal on the catholic issue. Can't find info about when the decentralized mason orgs changed their policy and started from their end accepting catholics as members, because as secret societies they don't put that kind of info out there.)
The biggest backer for Duke's idol, tRump, is Robert Mercer. So, what is he, bircher or opus dei?
'Let's not forget who the real victims are here', he blubbered.
The natsies are really upset that the world refuses to tolerate their intolerance.
Also, there are a ton of good people in the decentralized Black Lives Matter groups, but the NBBP is
a front group from Farrakhan, (who, point of fact, actually attacked the original BPP for Self Defense.)
I recall also the problems with a couple of the Womens' March decentralized leadership members backing Farrakhan.
The local womens' march here also was split into 2 groups a couple of years ago, where the divide/conflict was focused around intersectionality.
Last, Farrakhan's NOI has been in bed with the far right, klan, nazis, skinheads, seperatists, since the '50's.
They don't know anything, about anything. Know nothing about everything.
And they're so sure they're right.
So sure they have to mouth off to everybody about how they know it all.
So they have no time to learn about anything.
They're too busy.
Kind of a military type of law. I forget the word for it.
US loves no nazis. We have no king.
You're 0 for 2.
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