LovingA2andMI's JournalWhat's happens when a 'Emergency Manager' runs your town...Not Pretty!
Hello D.U. This is my first post here. I want to placed my initial comment and link (below) into the Michigan room, since this topic manner impacts our beloved state.
Michigan's Public Act #4 as I'm sure you know, is one of the most draconian laws to ever be enacted by our state Legislature. Currently, there is a Constitutional Referendum drive, taking place to stop further destruction of our Democracy though P.A. #4.
Hopefully, most members of this site, if not all would agree the sooner we can have a halt of this 'law' in Michigan, the better. Especially when one considers that all of our cities, towns, school districts and counties can be impacted by E.M.'s that aren't accountable to the people of a community.
Still, some might think that their area have immunity from a E.M. and see no reason to sign the Constitutional Referendum petition.
I would like to share sound file footage from a interview on our weekend based podcast on Michigan and National Politics. On Sunday, Dec. 11th, were honored to have the City of Pontiac Councilman, Kermit Williams visit the program.
Pontiac is currently under a E.M. authority. Councilman Williams discussed (this is the second E.M. for the city, as they had a E.F.M. previously under the repealed legislation Public Act #72) the brutal facts of what's happens if a E.M. runs your town or community.
Worst yet, in our cities budgetary issues statewide, any Michigan location could face a E.M. appointment. How you might ask? Councilman Williams explains in the interview.
Just to ease minds if we're posting on D.U. today to gain hits for our podcast....we added the sound footage of the Councilman's interview to a Box Cloud. In other words, our podcast wouldn't gain hits from anyone listening to this interview.
The reason why we're adding this information here is that it's highly important that Michiganders know the real facts about Public Act #4. If after listening to the 34 minute interview, you would like to share with others....its' appreciated.
To sign the Constitutional Referendum to repeal P.A.#4, please contact Michigan Forward @ http://www.michiganforward.org
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