heaven05's Journallegalese
excuses for white people calling on black people doing nothing illegal. It is a matter of black skin affront white privilege and entitlement to call if they so please. The rest is BS. THE trumper Becky and Bob always walk away scot-free even when their is a murder of an innocent, unarmed AA. White people are david duke slicker these days. They won't insult or threaten the black person so their hate wouldn't be evident. But the fact is that black skin makes these pigs call because that t AA being confronted by white privilege and entitlement is alive with brown skin. Period. Dance around all you want. I know racism and hate of brown skin is the motivation.
he's so racistly jealous
of President Obama. He should be jealous of a better POTUS than he. A better man than he. A better human being than he. Simple deduction.
I am fighting VA
now on cancer directly related to my exposure to AO in 1968-69. The VA approved my claim of exposure, gave me a small stipend but turned me down on my cancer and diabetic neuropathy which was a slam dunk for EVERY other veteran. But they turned me down for cancer during this administration overlording of VA. The Obama administration gave me my exposure claim. Yeah, I hate bone spurs, his highnessorangemanthecoward. I am fighting for all who have been turned down for various BS reasons. I have a great navy veteran advocate, she's right there in the fight.
Did you vote for HRC?
YOU bragged you did not. Was that just hyperbole? Just trying to hurt us, Democrats? What? It is a pretty simple yes or no answer, is it not??? If you did not vote for HRC then that puts your every argument into the clearest of perspectives and I shun them
you DID NOT vote
for our candidate 2016. You bragged about that. Your voice in this Party belongs to a minor faction in our Party that by a majority, DID NOT vote for our candidate 2016. You cannot offer advice when you were one of many that helped pull the POtuS out of the sewer, clean him up enough to stop stinking,(temporarily)and partially along with help from PUTIN and the WSP/GOP pushed this POtuS upon America to turn it into his fascist playground Amerika. Nah, can't hear you
and on and on #9
yep:https://www.theroot.com/white-privilege-is-a-thing-here-s-how-it-works-1828360724 every word always the truth
there is only one faction
of our Democratic Party that runs around our country tearing down tried and true Democrats. Wittmer(Michigan), Davis(Kansas) come to mind immediately. The person you are responding to is on the typical rant about our Party not being all it can be. And how their 'new' policies will further that goal of Democratic Party while it has always/is the goal of our Party. To protect the 99%.
These 'new' programs of the SDA faction are the same old schtick used since the late 60's-early 70's when the SDA came up on my political radar. Their 'new' programs are politically and ideologically proven unworkable in this system of governance. SDA members are a needed faction but unwanted in the sense of the divisiveness, confusion and lies sown by designed to tear down instead of build up and improve our Party. Since the early 70's it seems a faction always ready to say stupid RW talking points such as our Party represents the 1% and tear down our Party with similar lies, "corrupt", feeble"," ideologically bankrupt". Look to the GOP/WSP and they say the same thing.
I have been following this faction of SDA in our big tent Democratic Party since the 70's. Same old spiel dressed up as new during every election cycle and always tearing down our Party, which has ALWAYS, in spite of flaws, REPRESENTED, the 99%.
The condescension and insulting manner of the person you are responding to is disgusting.
I wish I could attend:https://theglowup.theroot.com/dancing-through-the-pain-a-mothers-rite-moves-us-throu-1828148976
yeah, send them there
and Houston? Please have a problem.....soon and glad to read this
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