heaven05's Journalnone needed
I know what to do with...aaahh never mind...you will hopefully find the right path, one-day padawan, Done with you
struggle on
++++ this
thank you, so truethank you
these are a call to us all: hattip: love yourself and one another...backatcha
really? nt
to hell with this kabuki theater bullshit
from the 'good cop', Ivanka. Guess who the bad cops are? It's bullshit
partially his fault
we all have dumptrump. I cry no tears of empathy until he and all of the rest of his voting base say I'm voting for a Democrat next time. Otherwise, he did it to himself and hi s family
It is also
amazing what IS covered by our MANY different segments of the press in this country. What's priority at this time in our history, as an all-inclusive, NOT factionalized, but UNIFIED political Party is not media, important mind you, but NOT priority unless covering what IS NOT covered by certain factions and their use of warmed over divisive BS of always promised, never delivered 'plans'. Allegedly, for all of us Democrats?
Warmed over speeches declaring the SOS they always spout as something new, which is actually never, from usually a minor faction or leader hoping to make a bigger splash than warranted in our big tent Democratic Party IS NOT NEW. Our Party consists partially of factions as does the RW with their libertarians and tea party attendees. We unify, they die bye bye
these and the following posts
after yours shut that one up for a minute..he/she ALWAYS runs from the truth. It's like scalding hot water poured on an open wound of hypocrisy.
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Name: hansGender: Do not display
Hometown: midwest
Home country: us
Current location: anywhere, usa
Member since: Thu Jun 14, 2012, 11:34 AM
Number of posts: 18,124