heaven05's Journaldamn!!!!!!!!!!!!
just getting
out of hand. Why do white people hold so much hate for AA? especially. Cause we want the same rights they have and they just can't have it threatened, it being their white privilege and entitlement to feel they are better than any black person up to and including a very competent and loved POTUS and FLOTUS? Geez these people like this and those arriving in D.C. are dumptrump's footsoldiers, brownshirts as it were, with Hitler. I am not fooled. When this goddamn POS called potus is finally run out of office, shit will hit the fan racially, on the class level and culturally. This country is headed for bad, bad times
I say this is interesting#3
about a stupid fool posing as a potus
what a child....damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
never forgotten. I hope he can get back into our political lives, helping to protect the country from the Party of Putin/GOP./NPA/WSP
well jimmy
Fox News 'journalists' ARE the enemy of truth. Period. No one on the far right, unless unhinged, will attack Fox News. The rest? Open Season declared by dumptrump. I know that the hate he saw, directed to him at the last dumptrump rally has him terrified inside....that's easy for me to say, see, feel. But I understand the motive here in your CYA program. I would too if I was on dumptrumps, SHS shitlist.
First, they came for the anti-trump journalists, I said nothing. Then they came for CNN, MSNBC, all leftist internet news/information, I did nothing. Then they came for anti-trump, teachers, intellects, I said nothing. Then they came for Hispanics and their children, I couldn't stop them. Then they came for Muslims, I could not stop them. Then the came for African-Americans against trump, I couldn't stop them. Then they came for LGBTQ persons, I could not stop them. Then a war using tactical nuclear weapons happened, started by an unhinged wannabe dictator against one of his dictator buds, to try to save his neck and presidency, I could do nothing but die. Then only racist white people walked the streets of Amerika, unafraid.
Oh wait, they have always had the freeequalandunafraidpass. dumb me...geez
If this administration continues as is, enabled by the Party of Putin/GOP, amerika is in serious, dangerous trouble.
don't tell anyone, I so hope that's true... I would love to see them all....
yep, it does hurt
stay peaceful in your heart, Curly is at peace........my respects and sympathy......drip, drip, drip, drip nt
Priority danger
but politics and greed push it to the back pages. Trump, dangerous, climate change? An extreme danger.
I want dirt
or like the one here said, she cannot be trusted. I think she's a little 'unhinged'. All those trump people have that projection pathology. Easy to read.
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