USAFRetired_Liberal's JournalTrump was right.
He could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenye and his supporters would stick with him.
They just don't care. They don't care about the crazy tweets and lies. They don't care about the nepotism. They don't care about Russia. They just don't care. Their hate and racism means more to them.
And even the "sane" republicans (I use that term loosely) don't really care. They know these things are wrong, but if the choice is between trump or a Democrat then they will choose trump even if they know he is crazy (as the election has taught us)
Ivanka trump is more dangerous than her dad
Because she has this image as being normal and moderate, but in all reality she is just like her dad and brothers. She is being setup for a presidential run in 2028.
Democrats always have to be the responsible adults
While republicans can do crazy shit and get away with it.
It's like that way with everything from the SCOTUS picks to be bipartisan. When Obama was president it was his job to work with minority Republicans in a bipartisan matter. Now that trump is president it is the minority Democrats that need to work with trump in a bipartisan matter
The Kushners
Jared being a top advisor and now leading a "SWAT" team
Ivanka constantly in meetings with world leaders, has an office in the west wing, and going to Germany for a summit.
If the Clinton's or the Obama's had done this peoples' heads would be exploding
Liberal commentators are too smart
I like Rachel Maddow's tv show and Thom Hartman's radio show, and they bring up great stuff. I actually like they way they present their stories. But unfortunately their stuff us too complex for the average American. They like the rush limbaugh and Sean hannity sound bites and simply words.
This bill will pass
All this some republicans voting "no" stuff is a ruse. They always stuck together and are in lock step. The election of trump is a perfect example. Once this passes it's going to make trump look good because he "closed the deal"
Trump thrived on hating/blaming Obama and Clinton
That is how he made his political career. He didn't realize that once he was in office that he can't blame them for stuff because now he is the one in charge. He, like the rest of the republicans, don't know how to/can't govern. They just know how to criticize and blame democrats for everything. But it doesn't work when they have all the power.
But somehow, he has went back to the same playbook. The wild crazy theories about Obama.
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