USAFRetired_Liberal's JournalTrump has shown his playbook for a War
Any criticism of him, he will say is criticizing the military. This is what he is doing with the relief efforts in Puerto Rico.
Trump Administration In Memoriam! Chant
It has its place, like during the Olympics or some other type of international sports competition, but I hate when it is constantly chanted.
I read a readers comment on an ESPN article
That said that the players and liberals were communists for their protests. God these people are so ignorant. They dont even realize that forcing someone to stand for a Countrys anthem is the epitome of communism
Those who cloak themselves in the flag and Christianity
Are the biggest fakers and hypocrites. Hell they voted for a guy who for 70 years had no patriotic or Christian bone in his body.
I know we all on here know this. But why does the media let them get away with being God fearing, patriotic Americans.
Remember when
Dr. MLK Jr, other civil rights leaders, and the freedom riders protested and the whole country was very supportive and no one complained about what they were doing.
When black people protest
in any form (whether it is a silent sit-in, a peaceful march, a kneel, a riot, etc...) its never the right type of protest or it could have been done in a better way. Its not right to make suburban white America feel uncomfortable.
Very weird experience today
So I am in VA this week for my job. I went to this BBQ restaurant for lunch. In the middle of eating someone gets on the intercom and says something. At the time, it was so loud in there that I didnt clearly understand what he said. Next thing I know, the national anthem is playing and everyone is standing up looking up at the Flag with their hands over their hearts. I felt like I was in a dystopian society or something.
Alabama GOP
Roy Moore - Very Fucking crazy
Luther Strange - very very crazy
Mo Brooks - very crazy
Jeff Sessions - crazy
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