USAFRetired_Liberal's JournalBernie can win the general
First let me say I was originally for Biden because I thought he was the one that could beat Trump. The more I think of it, the more I actually think Bernie can because 1. He is considered the unelectable candidate 2. He has a devoted following....look back at the previous elections...when a party nominates the more "electable" candidate and safe choose they have lost (Clinton, Romney, McCain)....but when they have nominated the "unelectable" candidate and the one that was going to turn away "moderates" they have won (Trump and Obama)....what do they have in common with Bernie? They were considered unelectable for the General election, but had a devoted following....we forget that in the '08 primary people were afraid that Obama couldn't win. He was considered to far left an extreme, and was America really ready for a black president. Of course now the Media has revised his election as someone who ran centrist campaign and appealed to moderates....he did govern as a centrist, but in 08 he ran as a progressive liberal....moderates were drawn to him because of his popularity. I went to a Bernie event yesterday in San Antonio and saw the excitement.
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