sanatanadharma's JournalPeople are pre-divided, identity-desires precede seeing any scene, sad or superb
People are pre-divided by identity-desires that precede judging any scene seen.
There are those whose belief-behavior-boorishness shows they are karmic-ally devolving*
Others' karmas (actions) show the progress of humanity in individuals desiring inclusion and peace.
* A trajectory of desires, actions, results, and responses (more action) that continues resulting in unpleasant, unwanted circumstances from which there seems to be no escape.
Two lifestyle choices
Desire-action-results-unwanted-anger-lashing out-increasing frustration-delusion
Desire-action-results-unwanted-acceptance-redirection-increasing success-delight
Thinking things through was the message of the ancient Sanskrit Upanishads
The problem of short sighted (and short-sited)* thinking is not new.
People act in desire of some results.
These results may be just what we expected (wanted, hoped); cross the road, catch the bus to work.
They may be even better; cross the road and a passing friend gives you a ride.
They certainly can be worse and unwanted; cross road, bus never comes, you get fired for lateness.
Or, they may be totally disconnected, unexpected and un-thought; you fall into a sinkhole and never get across the road.
The results of actions can be seen; they may also be unseen. Wants motivate our acts. Results are of two kinds; desired and undesired.
Thus we bounce and ricochet off the rails of "oops!" and "Did I do that?
Perhaps if humans successfully saw through all thoughts, we would all stop stupid** activities.
*Think selfishness, situated in personal desires
** Think useless
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Gender: Do not displayHome country: Born in the old USA
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Member since: Tue Oct 16, 2012, 10:41 PM
Number of posts: 4,034