PlanetaryOrbit's JournalHow liberal/conservative are Dallas, Houston and San Antonio?
I moved to Texas recently, and would like to ask anyone who's familiar with the regional politics: How liberal or conservative are the big cities - Dallas, Houston and San Antonio?
I know Austin is liberal, but what about the others?
China's going to be hit by an enormous number of cancer cases in a few years.
China's severe pollution makes pollution in America almost seem mild by comparison.
Starting perhaps around the year 2020 or so, China may get hit by an enormous number of cancer cases. There will be many, MANY cancer patients.
You can only pollute the land and air and water for so long before serious longterm health consequences settle in. I can only hope there are many medical students getting ready in China for a career as oncologists. Cancer specialists may be in extremely high demand.
Do you have faith in humanity?
I originally planned to make this a much more philosophical or detailed post, but just figured it was best phrased as a simple yes/no question.
Why does the Obama administration have $500 billion defense budgets?
Is it for the sake of appearing strong on national defense, to thwart a perception that Democrats are weaker on national security than Republicans?
Is it because the administration genuinely believes that such military expenditures are necessary? (In other words, it's not because of right-wing pressure?)
Is it because the administration can't make significant cuts to the military budget, because Congress wouldn't agree to it?
I'm asking for serious, non-snarky answers. I'm genuinely puzzled.
A layman question about economics and inflation
Is inflation supposed to just go up gradually, forever (assuming no huge changes such as war, major disaster, economic collapse, etc.)?
Does this mean that some day far off into the future, we're going to see gasoline at $30 a gallon, bread at $20 a loaf, a pair of shoes for $200, etc.?
(Income/wages obviously being higher as well).
Conservatives using the "Asian-Americans are successful" argument
I've noticed that some conservatives in recent years have been trying to use the success of Asian-Americans as an argument in favor of conservatism. Usually the argument goes something like this:
"Asian-Americans are a racial minority, yet they are successful, more so than African-Americans or Hispanics. Therefore, 1) Asian-Americans work hard and therefore succeed, and 2) African-Americans and Hispanics don't work hard and therefore don't succeed, therefore it's about diligence vs. laziness, not about race or circumstances, blah blah blah blah blah."
Without diminishing the success that Asian-Americans have had, or the discrimination that they've faced, how exactly does one go about debunking this sort of logic?
What was the last presidential administration to not undertake major military action?
Military action has taken place in almost every recent U.S. presidential administration I can recall:
Obama - Drone strikes, military operation in Libya against Gaddafi
Bush II - war in Afghanistan, war in Iraq
Clinton - military operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, and also the cruise missile strikes on Afghan and Sudan targets
Bush I - military operation in Panama, and the Gulf War
Reagan - Grenada, airstrike against Libya
So, what was the last presidential administration to not undertake major military action? Carter? Ford?
Operation Eagle Claw (to rescue the American hostages in Iran) did take place under Carter's administration, but that was a justified military action in my opinion.
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Member since: Wed Aug 28, 2013, 11:04 PMNumber of posts: 155