BluegrassStateBlues's JournalMalala Meets The Obamas
To: Obamacare Critics, From: Gov. Steve Beshear
DEVASTATING poll numbers for Republicans emerge from newest NBC/WSJ polls...
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
GOP's numbers hit new low in @NBCNews/WSJ poll: 24% view Republican Party positively, 53% view negatively.
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
NBC/WSJ poll: 24% approve of the job Republicans in Congress are doing, 70% disapprove. (Cong. Dems at 36 approve, 59 disapprove)
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
Dems take charge in NBC/WSJ generic ballot: 47% of RVs want Dem Congress, 39% want GOP Congress (46 D, 43 R in Sept)
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
Boehner seen more negatively than Cruz in NBC/WSJ. Boehner at 17-42 positive/negative, Cruz at 14-28. (Reid at 18-32)
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
Obama approval UP two points to 47% (disapprove at 48%) in @NBCNews/WSJ poll. Was at 45-50 in September. (Within margin of error, though)
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
An all-time high of 60% of reg voters say in NBC/WSJ poll they'd vote to defeat every member of Congress (incl their own) if given chance.
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
NBC/WSJ: Public blames GOP for shutdown by wider margin than '95 -- 53% blame GOP now, 31% blame Obama. (In 11/95, 47% GOP, 27% Clinton)
Mike O'Brien @mpoindc
Obamacare ticks upward in NBC/WSJ: 38% say ACA is a good idea, 43% say it's a bad idea. Was 31% good, 44% bad in September.
Grimes releases web ad hitting McConnell over shutdown
Senate Republicans may go AGAINST the House Republicans and attach clean CR to debt limit hike
Word is that Senate Republicans may go against the House and attached a clean CR to the debt limit bill to reopen the government
Boone County, KY GOP expected to endorse Mitch McConnell's Tea Party challenger Thursday night
Thats what is potentially going to happen, Boone Party GOPchairman Rick Brueggemann said. Theres not a motion on the floor but its my understanding, its intended.
Brueggemann, however, said he questions whether there is enough support among the partys precinct captains to endorse Bevin.
There is significant dissatisfaction in Mitchs voting record, but I dont think, even though that might be the case, that many people want to necessarily endorse in a primary, Brueggemann said.
White House responds to GOP's newest plan: 'More is needed to break impasse'
No link. Just a tweet from @NewsBreaker and @WSJ
White House, responding to GOP's six-week debt-ceiling plan, says more is needed to break impasse. /@WSJ
FOX "News": Air conditioning is the "ugly side of entitlements"
During Thursdays Fox & Friends, Hasselbeck plugged a report that libertarian Fox Business host John Stossel is running this week that he claims will show how welfare creates a culture of dependency.
Do these folks really need to be on welfare, she asked, followed by video of Stossel interview apparent welfare recipients on the street.
Yeah, I have a TV, one woman says.
Yeah, I have a television, a man tells Stossel.
Do you have air conditioning, Stossel presses. Yes, the man replies.
John Stossel checking into that and exposing the ugly side of entitlements, Hasselbeck remarked following the video clip.
Tom Coburn's Office Now Has More Workers Than The Agency Overseeing Workers' Rights
The National Labor Relations Board was nearly derailed earlier this year due to fights in Congress and the courts over President Obama's recess appointments to the board. Although the agency survived that political spat intact, it isn't faring so well during the shutdown. Out of more than 1,600 employees, the agency planned to furlough all but 11 of them in the case of government closure, leaving less than 1 percent of its workforce as "excepted" shutdown personnel, according to the agency's contingency plan.
That would mean the federal agency is working with fewer employees nationwide than the individual D.C. offices of certain senators, many of whom have deemed their entire staffs excepted personnel during the shutdown. Ten senators -- seven Republicans, including Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), and three Democrats -- haven't furloughed any staffers at all, according to a HuffPost count.
John Boehner to hold a press conference at 4:30 PM EST
Will he have the nerve to stand up there for an hour and defend extortion?
We shall see.
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