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TheNutcracker's Journal
TheNutcracker's Journal
July 24, 2015

Hey Jebby, phase out the Millionaires and Billionaires

Everything will be fine.

July 23, 2015

Jeb Bush Sent Thank-You Note To Swift Boat Vets For John Kerry Smear - Jeb should be accountable too


As I already discussed here, we've got a whole lot of Republicans and their presidential candidates up in arms over Donald Trump's remarks about John McCain, and I was wondering where their outrage was when Republicans were busy smearing Democrats who have served our country honorably as well, like John Kerry did, and Tammy Duckworth and Max Cleland among a host of others,

We all know that the lot of them could care less about what happens to anyone who signs up to defend this country as a member of the armed services. What they care about is using those people for political fodder and to keep their base worked into a frenzy.

If you already weren't sure just how cynical these Republicans can be, here's how Jeb responded to McCain being smeared by Trump while ignoring his own treatment of John Kerry: Self-Proclaimed Champion of Veterans Jeb Bush, Supported Switfboating John Kerry:

Jeb Bush said yesterday in response to Donald Trump’s attack on John McCain that all veterans are deserving of respect: (Jeb Twitter post at link above)

As Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Jay Bookman then pointedly asked, “Yeah. Just like the respect that John Kerry got in ’04?”

It turns out that in 2005, Jeb thought one veteran in particular should be attacked. He even thanked other veterans for swiftboating John Kerry, whom Republican conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, who has never served his country, decided to accuse of cowardice in order to keep him out of the White House:

I look forward to the media asking him about his double standard when hell freezes over, which is about how long it will take for any of them to call out the GOP for being a bunch of opportunist, lying, pearl clutching hypocrites. Here's a copy of that letter from Bush for anyone that would like to read it.

The letter is available to view at the link above. The letter Jeb Bush said thank you for the smear, to help his brother. JEBBY should be tossed early too, along with Trump!

July 14, 2015

Bernie Sanders Chicago Meet Up Tuesday Nite! Schiller Park

From the Thom Hartman Show, a caller was allowed to plug the event

July14, 2015 @5pm

Legends Sports Bar & Grill
4200 River Rd, Schiller Park, IL 60176
(847) 233-9000

July 14, 2015

Bernie Sanders Chicago Meet Up Tuesday Nite! Schiller Park

July14, 2015 @5pm

Legends Sports Bar & Grill
4200 River Rd, Schiller Park, IL 60176
(847) 233-9000

July 13, 2015

How and when Jeb Bush sold us out to China - This story must be told



Editor's Note: In May 2001, the FBI secretly reopened the long forbidden "Cointelpro", counter-intelligence-program that spies on American citizens. As a former "independently active criminal intelligence analyst" for the Bureau in the late 80's until the mid 90's. I was directly involved in the investigation of the 1989-90 domestic mail bomb attacks against the federal judiciary (VANPAC) and Oklahoma City bombing.

During the early June 2001 time frame, I was re-contacted by email and asked for any relevant information and knowledge of Chinese Army operatives activity in the United States. Later, I learned that the FBI had been actively searching for "suitcase neutron bombs" in Miami and other United States cities.

The dreaded neutron bomb is a high yield radiation weapon which I have had personal experience working on as a former civilian employee in R&D for the Department of Defense at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Directly involved in the testing of functional components at Abredeen Proving Grounds, I was injured and lost 80 percent of my hearing, requiring surgery and revoking my medical status to fly in military aircraft. The bomb was so horrific Europeans forced then President Jimmy Carter "to not deploy the weapon" on European soil as the neutron bomb is Pandora's worst nightmare and there is no defense against it!

Since the late 70's China and Pakistan have miniaturized the weapon making it higher yield and packaging it in a suitcase for remote detonation by space satellites. Once the weapon is hidden in place it can be used as a yellowmail device to surgically kill hundreds of thousands without harming valuable real estate and precious national resources.

It could be China and Saudi Arabia's muddled weapon of choice having diffused links to Islamic AL-Qaeda terrorists while shifting attack responsibility to Pakistan. Based upon intelligence sources I have come to the conclusion that a device may be detonated in the Unites States, it may be only a matter of when?"

In pursuit of the truth regarding this matter of grave concern, Insider-Magazine.com has relentlessly pursued the death investigation of Investigator Raymond Leme. Mr. Lemme was an investigator with the Florida Department of Transportation who resided in Tallahassee, Florida. Mr. Lemme honorably served our country in Vietnam and was an active U.S. Air Force reservist at the time his of death. He was investigating serious allegations made against a Chinese software firm that had U.S. government contracts.

The allegations were made by Florida Department of Transportation supervisor Mavis Georgalis and programmer Clint Curtis a former Yang employee. They inferred that Yang Enterprises, whose lobbyist is United States Congressman Tom Feeney helped secure contracts for a firm not eligible to receive contracts due to the fact that an illegal alien and spy was working for them.

These and the other allegations against Yang and Feeney that have recently come to light threaten the security of the United States.

Those involved in the apparent plot have gone to extreme measures using murder, malicious prosecution of whistleblowers, manufacturing several different police reports and official investigative documents to hide facts that high level treason continues to be committed against our citizens.


Raymond Lemme, top right active U.S. Air Force Reservist

and Florida Department of Transportation OSI Investigator was murdered

investigating Chinese - NASA, DOT whistleblower complaint.










Photo's stated officially in Police Reports "not to exist", indicate Investigator was tortured, choked and murdered in Valdosta, GA. motel room. Base upon existing evidence we believe he uncovered a spy plot against United States. Police reports say he committed suicide. There's blood in all the wrong places...and screwed up police reports.


Bottom photos show the motel room Valdosta police say that he killed himself in. Insider interviewed Lemme's brother and he doesn't believe Ray killed himself. He stated that Ray would never sell out his principles or his country. The portrait we have after interviewing his co-workers is that Ray was at the height of his career, enjoyed his work and would never disgrace his family or the high standards he set for himself.

The office receptionist who worked with Ray Lemme was shocked to learn from us that police and his boss Robert Clift say he committed suicide! Clift is adamant that Lemme committed suicide and suffered from deep depression, although a list of the medicines placed neatly out on the bathroom vanity does not include any depression medicine. Looking at the photos we believe it's all too neat and diabolical.

An extensive 3 year investigation has uncovered startling facts and documentation that suggest China and Saudi Arabia are the nations engineering the Al-Qaeda plot to overthrow the United States government.

Based upon credible intelligence and extensive secret documentation previously with-held by law enforcement agencies we have determined that the plot reaches the highest levels of the United States government and involves United States Congressman Tom Feeney, R. Florida and at least Florida Governor, Jeb Bush.

Secret documents show the espionage and treason acts perpetrated against the United States involved murder, programming vote switching software, manipulation and control of existing government computer databases maintained by the Federal Aviation Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Customs, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Defense, Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Transportation are just a few of the many government agencies that have been infiltrated by Chinese and Saudi spies.

The high level IT attacks have resulted in a War Of Terror against citizens worldwide and are outlined in a book published in China in February 1999 which proposes tactics for developing countries, in particular China, to compensate for their military inferiority vis-à-vis the United States during a high-tech war.

The book was written by two PLA senior colonels from the younger generation of Chinese military officers and was published by the PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House in Beijing, suggesting that its release was endorsed by at least some elements of the PLA leadership. This impression was reinforced by an interview with Qiao and laudatory review of the book carried by the party youth league's official daily Zhongguo Qingnian Bao.

Published prior to the bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade, the book has drawn the attention of both the Chinese and Western press for its advocacy of a multitude of means, both military and particularly non-military, to strike at the United States during times of conflict. Hacking into websites, targeting financial institutions, terrorism, using the media, and conducting urban warfare are among the methods proposed.

In the Zhongguo Qingnian Bao interview, Qiao was quoted as stating that "the first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden." Elaborating on this idea, he asserted that strong countries would not use the same approach against weak countries because "strong countries make the rules while rising ones break them and exploit loopholes . . .The United States breaks [UN rules] and makes new ones when these rules don't suit [its purposes], but it has to observe its own rules or the whole world will not trust it." Click on the link below for a Chinese definition of unrestricted warfare http://insider-magazine.com/Chinaswarfare.html

Insider's confidential intelligence sources have confirmed the U.S. Intelligence community was operating in a defensive posture against the Chinese governments adoption of "unrestricted warfare" prior to the election of George Bush, Jr.

Bush who became President amid claims of software fraud and vote scamming in Florida has according to our sources, systematically dismantled historical national security safeguards for access to sensitive data. At the same time Bush and his brother's political allies have worked as lobbyists for the Chinese and the Saudis to secure government contracts enabling the on-going infiltration. Bush's other brother Neil is also on the board of director's of a Chinese semiconductor firm with ties to the Chinese Army.

Federal court documents and secret intelligence reports obtained by Insider-Magazine show illegal alien spies working for those firms with deep connections to AL-Qaeda have been allowed access to the NASA computer files for downloading and were involved in exporting high-tech weapons and satellite technology. Those firms have received government contracts allowing them to penetrate the highest levels of United States security and government agencies.

One such firm is Yang Enterprises, Inc. a 250 employee software firm from Oviedo, Florida. The company is represented by Jeb Bush's former running-mate, Republican Congressman Tom Feeney. Yang Enterprises is a firm with government contracts at NASA, the Florida Department of Transportation and the Department of Law Enforcement now headed by former Bay County Sheriff Guy Tunnell.

Tom Feeney shown here with the President is also the registered lobbyist for the Yang Corporation whose employee, an illegal alien, Henry Nee was indicted by a federal grand jury in 2004 for exporting microchips to Beijing University. Nee subsequently pled guilty to the charges.

Confidential Insider sources say that China dismantled microchips and reverse engineered the Sanders and Lockheed Martin chips possibly remanufacturing and reprogramming them for export back to the United States and integrating them into existing U.S. weapons systems rendering them inoperable and functionally unstable.

China is renowned worldwide for theft of technology and flooding markets with knock-offs, counterfeits and imitations of products made with prison labor. China is the largest owner of U.S. Treasury notes due to an imbalance of trade and as early as last week the head of the Fed Bank is New York warned in a Wall Street Journal article that the U.S. economy could collapse if the China dumped their U.S. Treasury certificates.

more at link above including all documents and pictures.
July 9, 2015

Jeb Bush's Nigerian Bribery Scandal Is Back in Court - Just in time!


I've been sitting on this just waiting........

By Tim Elfrink

Friday, July 12, 2013 | 2 years ago

Just in time for the latest round of Jeb for Prez speculation, the juiciest scandal tied to Florida's former governor is headed back to court. The courts are revisiting a two-decades old charge that a company Bush cofounded spent millions bribing Nigerian officials with federally loaned money to secure a lucrative deal selling water pumps in the African nation.

Now the government is trying to get $74 million in damages back from the company.

Tampa Bay Times outlines the complex case this morning, but notes that the new federal trial won't include allegations about Jeb's role in the scandal or any testimony from the politician.

Still, any mention of the case in the press is bad news for Jeb if he indeed has any further political aspirations, considering many questions about his role in the affair linger.

Jeb founded a company called MWI Corp. in 1988 while his dad, George H.W. Bush, was in the Oval Office. Four years later, MWI nabbed $74 million in financing from the Export-Import Bank of the United States to sell water pumps in Nigeria.

But the feds balked when they learned the company had promised a huge $28 million "commission" to their agent in Nigeria, calling the payment a bribe to land the contract.

Nigeria eventually repaid $33 million, but MWI has always denied any wrongdoing. Jeb, who traveled to Nigeria to negotiate the deal, also maintains he had nothing to do with setting up the payout to the Nigerian agent.

In the new case, the U.S. government is demanding that MWI pay back the full $74.3 million it got from the Import-Export bank.

Bush won't have to testify, but he's said in the past that the MWI affair has caused him "unmitigated grief" for more than two decades. That's not likely to change anytime soon with the new lawsuit.

Follow Miami New Times on Facebook and Twitter @MiamiNewTimes.

July 8, 2015

How great for Bernie to file SOLAR legislation on the heels of Florida's AG filing suit against it

Florida's AG is filing a suit on the ballot language for solar as she did the ACA, gay marriage, and the rest. The solar initiative by ballot petition, is moving forward as the legislature won't hear the bill. Ninety two percent want the policy that already exists in other states.

Florida is one of five states that does not allow you to contract with a third party utility for energy, or the price of, for purchasing or selling back the excess.

It is the southern states in this monopoly stranglehold! The southeastern states, that are boiling.

Florida is one of the TOP THREE STATES IN THE COUNTRY with the most rooftop solar advantage! Yet, you must have lots of money for a panel, and your selling back is to DUKE Energy. At the lowest price. The panels that you see in Florida, are for hot water heaters and pools. Not household electricity. It's criminal. Florida now has small homes hitting 500-600 a month! This is not sustainable. The monopoly must stop.

Oh how Florida will love Bernie Sanders, when he refers to the Florida residents who need the policy the rest of the states have, on the heels of the AG again, trying to stop the will of the people. They all take campaign dollars from Duke Energy. They are owned.

Bernie can save Florida, and win there as well. How stupid of Florida's AG, and how smart of Bernie to go into his senate office, and file legislation. The voters of Florida will now be heard.

Thanks Bernie!


A ballot petition that would allow those who generate electricity from the sun to sell the power directly to other consumers moved to its final legal hurdle Friday with a request by Florida's attorney general for Supreme Court review. (Again, Fla is one of five states that does not allow this!)

Bernie's Bill !

July 8, 2015

Is Bernie Sanders attending/speaking any of the four days? Media in Florida isn't saying...

--"Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush set for Fort Lauderdale appearance on same day," by The South Florida Sun Sentinel's Anthony Man:

"They're both to deliver speeches on July 31 to the national conference of the National Urban League, which is meeting in Fort Lauderdale for four days."


July 7, 2015

WOW! Bernie Campaign overwhelmed on request for free bumper stickers, he says to wait 3 weeks!

If you missed this...

Xxxxxx -

We wanted to write you to let you know that you should receive your free Bernie bumper sticker soon -- probably 3 weeks from now.

Our campaign has grown so rapidly, and so many people wanted to get stickers to show their support for Bernie's campaign, that we were a little overwhelmed, to be honest.

We're in the middle of printing hundreds of thousands of stickers right now, and yours will be in the mail to you as soon as possible. Again, check your mail in about 3 weeks.

Thank you,

Team Bernie

Thank YOU Bernie for running, and giving us our voice back!

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