asiliveandbreathe's JournalHRC Accomplishments - Hey NY DUers
If you are in NY could you please send this to rep Collins - he seems to be having a problem finding Hillary's accomplishments...and when you are done may I ask you vote him out at your earliest convenience...Chris Collins NY27 - on msnbc today..whining about this and Hillary not standing quietly like Vitters wife did.....BS
First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College. Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School.
Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
Former civil litigation attorney.
Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law. Former First Lady of Arkansas. Former First Lady of the United States, and the first FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree.
First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate. Elected by the State of New York to serve two terms in the United States Senate. Former US Secretary of State.
Rep Collins R NY - Hillary Did Not Stand Quietly
Hillary did not stand quietly beside Bill during Bill's indiscretions with other women..Hillary didn't treat the women
Didn't stand quietly - like other women - who faced the same situation - are you shitting - let me just say this - and this is my own take..these Republican men in congress and I will include those republican legislators in my state - take your BS elsewhere..
A poor excuse for a man, to stand there - on national TV, and accuse Hillary of not standing quietly - I suppose like David Vitters wife???? - BS - get out of Hillary's marriage you POS...and your ilk..are deplorable and disgusting..
I know all men don't think this way - so I will not put some rotten apples in the barrel..but I gotta' tellya' - I'm Hot..just as Hillary surely was HOT at the time..she made the right decision for them...eff-off!
I'm done..
A new toy at 538 - senate polling maps..yea! especially the results right now - as well at the chart further down the page - Dems have a better chance at 51D - 49R - slim lead as of now - 14.4% to 13.6% (51R - 49D) - and 14.2% 50D - 50R -
We can do this.....
Newsweek article needs to be on everyone's reading list - to completely digest the information - read it - uninterrupted - trump branding is Global -
no wonder Hillary tweeted 20 questions for all to see and for moderators to do their due diligence..They make perfect sense now that I read the Newsweek article -
I hope Keith uses his new platform The Closer to PUMP IT UP!
Newsweek article..
I can think of no other way to describe what I just finished reading..CHILLING!
Charlie Pierce has something to say about politics and curves and
Basket of Deplorables - .....snip.......
the people who have attached themselves to a campaign that prides itself on not being politically correct immediately grabbed their badly chafed fee-fees and started screaming for safe spaces.
Regarding the grading curves -
Are we grading El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago, who doesn't know enough about any issue to throw to a cat, on a curve?
And so much more -
Give 'Em Hell Harry
I remember going to the theater back in my youth - after some research I was reminded it was 1975 - I have never forgotten this one man we have history repeating itself?...enjoy..
I equate what happened today - Give 'Em Hell Hillary..
Three major ways the fbi report on clinton email Establishes Her Trustworthiness
This may be a duplicate - not sure - good read...NO, great read....
Remember this - quoted here from the FBI Report, about a key documentation official, John Bentel. According to the State OIG report, State employees alleged that John Bentel discouraged employees from raising concerns about Clintons use of personal e-mail.
----snip----The Bogus Nature of the State Department Inspector Generals Criticism of Her
Says the FBI: When interviewed by the FBI, Bentel denied that State employees raised concerns about Clintons e-mail to him thats the first knockdown
that he discouraged employees from discussing it thats the second knockdown
or that he was aware during Clintons tenure that she was using a personal e-mail account or server to conduct official State businessthats the third knockdown.
The FBI makes very clear that it finds Bentel credible, and dismisses what the State Inspector General says as bull.
I am so sick of the lies and innuendo, rhetoric and bias by msm re: Hillary Clinton -
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