asiliveandbreathe's JournalWhere is this meeting being held tomorrow - At the WH???
I am a skeptic - I am not a conspiracy nut, trust, but verify kinda, if this meeting with the FBI and republiklans is taking place in the WH, with COS Kelly - who is to say the room will be secured?
If at the WH, why not hold the meeting at the FBI? Been buggin' pun intended...
It is a figure of speech - "Toast" - a one is suggesting he should be
disbarred...considering the time, effort, and considerable amount of money it takes to actually get to the bar exam..if I were his mother or father I would wash his mouth out with soap...
Me thinks he has shot himself in the foot , metaphorically speaking, of course...what FIRM would hire him now..let alone a client walking into his store - Trump, maybe or his ilk...
oh, that's right, the building where he rents an office - they want nothing to do with him...just one question to this miscreant, "have you no decency"
I often ask, is it nature, or nurture....
The young fellow in the video demonstrated more civility than this jerk..
Be well, Jim Lane, congrats on passing the bar..and not evah having a complaint registered against you..
That Russia-Trump Thing..Shugerblog, Masterful Timeline w/links
Weeks after the election, Flynn and Kushner are in contact with Russian officials. Then Russia sells a 19.5% stake in Rosneft in a concealed deal, eventually revealed to be with Qatar. Immediately after the deal, a Qatari diplomat allegedly met with Cohen and Flynn at Trump Tower.
Jed Shugerman - at - was on with Rachel tonight..and just blew me away with his investigative reporting on this Russia/trump thingy..he also writes for Slate...Professor at Fordham and a true American Patriot..if you have any questions about this subject, I implore you to read his blog..
My gift to all my DU friends...
Live Updates - Jerusalem Embassy/Gaza - safe to say - troubled - calling for emergency meeting - 2200 Palestinians injured..55 killed..
and we should be talking about me understand -
What is an OLC opinion vs a Judiciary Opinion
Chris should have had this RWNJ debate others who understand that the OLC opinion is
an Executive opinion..NOT a judiciary opinion....I bet the RWNJ would not have appeared if that was the invite Bob Bauer WH counsel for our President is just a how he sizes up the Nixon Long Shadow and the judiciary...
I had to read the legal analysis several times to understand what Bob Bauer was getting at...thus the excerpt - have at it...
Be well all, we will get through this...
This is the conclusion of the article
Or, as appears increasingly possible, Mr. Trump and his lawyers can turn for inspiration to the Nixon presidency and the Watergate era and make his case for the presidents immunity from criminal investigation and prosecution. There is little reason to believe that the results will be any different 44 years later.
Kasey Hunt is so wrong for this most important debate -
I just want the excellent guests not be interrupted and finish their thought..this is no laughing matter - she is just not in the league of these of these fine legal minds...IMHO
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