asiliveandbreathe's JournalHow do I count the ways Hubby Shows Me Up -
Couple of weeks ago, I noticed the nightlight in one of the bathrooms was I changed the bulb..(yes, I checked another outlet in the kitchen, the bulb worked) - nope, won't work in either outlet in bathroom..the switches for the other lights in BR work..what the hell..neither of the outlets have a GFS..I know just enough - process of elimination..
He hasn't been feeling well, and I didn't want to bother him..I am an independent DIYer..if you know what I mean..well, this morning he was feeling a little better so I asked him where the electric tester was..neither of the outlets have a GFS - here I'm thinking I need an electrician, but it wasn't important enough to do right now...
I felt bad even telling him, told him it wasn't important right now..just an fyi - he told me to push the GFS button, I told him there wasn't one..poor up out of bed, and went to the bathroom..gee, there isn't a GFS, (me, DUH), anyway..he went to the kitchen, pushed the GFS at that switch, says, now try works..
I asked him WTH, he said, BR outlets on same line as Kitchen..I am still saying WTH....his feathers are just gloriously fanned for all to see..what a strut. Hubby for the win..made him feel a little better, not sure if it was the fix, or he got one on me...
Latest From Portland..BTW..Gibson turned himself in from May 2019 incident..
Joey Gibson, leader of Vancouver-based right-wing group Patriot Prayer, turned himself in to the downtown Portland jail Friday in connection with charges linked to a May Day melee outside a Portland bar.
Too..Oath Keepers bowing out of protest....
Be safe Portland...
John Bolton doesn't want a trade deal with the UK - he wants to colonise us was on regime change in the UK. Bolton, a lifelong neoconservative ideologue, Muslim-baiting thinktanker and erstwhile Fox News commentator, does not give a hormone-filled sausage or chlorine-rinsed chicken wing for a free trade pact, fair or otherwise. Midwest wheat and soya exports are not his thing. What Bolton really does care about is exploiting the UKs recent governmental upheaval, which almost anywhere else would be described as a rightwing coup, to Americas, and Trumps, advantage. In short, the former colonies are out to colonise the UK.
A lot to digest but well written by Simon Tisdall -
Nancy is right to put this subject squarely on the table....NO DEAL BEXIT is an abomination....and piece meal trade deals..I don't think so...
Want to Know More About Brexit and Boris -
Lawfare podcast -
This week, Benjamin Wittes sat down with his Brookings colleague Amanda Sloat to talk about all things Brexit. They talked about the new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his views on Brexit, the deadlock between Britain and the European Union, and the way the Brexit debate plays out in American politics.masterfully
What the hell will happen under Deal or No-Deal Brexit..Wittes and Sloat, most articulate and well versed - is 55 minutes..
The Great Hack - documentary - Should be required viewing for all
You want to understand how Cambridge Analytica manipulated people, through ads, Facebook, this is a great documentary, as it exposes how data was mined, and then used to sway voters..not just in the US, but the Brexit campaign...and many other countries, and so much more...
You think it can't happen again..look at the UK now...and just look at all the divisive rhetoric we see here every day..
Now I am speechless...after watching HOW it was done..let's put down the Epstein story for now..watching the Great Hack will start to give you wonder so many in power didn't want this to air...
And just because Cambridge Analytica declared bankruptcy in US and UK and pled guilty to using our data, doesn't mean another won't pick up the ball and run with it....
Brittany Kaiser - whistleblower - This article also..4/18
So glad to hear you are on the mend..yes, the stress is almost too much to bear...
I have been so lucky to have good health..I signed my husband up for Medicare Advantage last Dec..he turned 65 in January..Feb 28th he went to a PCP (in-network, a must), and got a stat referral for a urologist..biopsy came back that sunk us into despair..since then, through all the tests, MRI was denied, but CT, Bone scan (okayed by ins), his cancer did not spread to other parts of body, nor to his bones - but he does have an aggressive cancer of prostate..urologist was still able to do biopsy..Dr. said, "insurance companies dictating healthcare"..with second opinion referral, (IN-network), he had beacons implanted in prostate, and what is called a spaceor, to protect his other organs from radiation treatments, started radiation 2 weeks 9 weeks, 5 days a week..20% co-insurance..
When I look back at all the calls to BCBS, Dr's offices for was truly a maze trying to fight through it...I never took anything for granted (info), and for the most part, it wasn't misinformation from BCBS..but from front office staff at Dr's office..I feel like I earned a medical degree thru the process..oh, and the dr's office (first urologist ofc) know who I am -
I feel bad for people who do not have a business background, or an advocate to help co-ordinate all that is required.....
I am still waiting for bills to come flying in....of course I care what the cost is, but that is secondary to him getting well..
Be well - you are a trooper.....
I wish I could attend..Our Democratic candidates who qualify for fall debates surely,
hopefully will attend event...I will be in full force for Mark Kelly, Gabby Gifford's wonderful husband, who is challenging McSally for US Senate..eye on local races....
Meet Mark Kelly....btw..a beautiful pic of Kelly and Gabby at link...
One of the issues Kelly has on his website..gun safety...
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