asiliveandbreathe's JournalLove and Peace ....
My son has been introducing my DIL to America..she has been in country 5 years from the Philippines..favorite pic from one of their many road trips..
I share with you for Love and Peace...
Tom Hayden, a political well as Abby Hoffman and Bobby Seale..
I have made it a mission for myself to read Tom Hayden's Port Huron Statement..
called for the growth and implementation of participatory democracy across college campuses, in the South, and in inner cities. The writers of the document believed that ordinary citizens, particularly students, could create change through non-violent means..
and Bobby Seale, alive to this day, just wanted equality for the Black this too much to ask..
We Want Education For Our People That Exposes the True Nature Of This Decadent American Society.
We Want Education That Teaches Us Our True History and Our Role In The Present-Day Society.
We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And Murder Of Black People.
And so much more, just need to do research...VN took 50,000+ men of our generation..and turned me into a pacifist..2 brothers served in VN..they are okay..
I was 21 in second son born in oldest son born '66, I keep asking myself "where the hell were you when all this was going down"..this "Trial of the Chicago 7" is superb....everyone can learn from it!
The Trial of the Chicago 7..Now on Netflix...Sasha Baron Cohen as Abby Hoffman
Excellent, smart, funny, and disturbing..actual footage included in the making by Aaron Sorkin..although only half way thru, I can feel the racism in the courtroom jump off the screen..1968, the shooting of MLK, Bobby Kennedy..and the escalation of the VN war, by way of the increase in the draft numbers ..DNC convention Chicago IL
I have included links - Where are they now..
and was Bobby Seal really bound and gagged in courtroom...
BTW..what happened in '68, is happening in so many cities this year..
This all feels too choreographed for me..
The President's vitals over last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We are still not on a clear path to a full recovery."
So when the timing is right, a clear path will be made for the chosen one to suddenly emerge, like a miracle????..this lying is so disturbing..their reputation precedes them, thy have no dignity or morals.
I want him to feel pain, those fever nightmares of 200,000+ people dying, and the anguish of their family, 7 million+ people who will forever have physical and emotional ailments, the children torn away from their mothers and fathers, put in cages. My kindness and empathy goes to those people.
I feel I am being tested, and trying not to fall into the same evil pit as the pos and meadows and Johnson etc etc better angel is winning..I just don't know for how long..
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Holliston, Massachusetts
Home country: USA
Current location: Arizona
Member since: Thu May 22, 2014, 07:01 PM
Number of posts: 8,203