mac2766's JournalNetflix - Gentefied
I've been laid up sick since Saturday morning and binge watched a few shows, including Gentefied. I'm very impressed with it. In Pensacola, FL, the city is going through the same thing. The low end neighborhoods are all being purchased, renovated (or destroyed and re-built), and sold or rented driving the cost of real estate up and up. It's something that really needs to be discussed. Have we finally found a way to help the poor find their way onto the streets to live in boxes? We, being a collective we, not me and hopefully not anyone reading this post.
A very poignant statement about America.
It was made in 2019, but it is so obviously true.
"...Most Americans have become accustomed to the countrys decaying infrastructure, the endemic crisis of drug addiction, and the structural racism of the society. If you dont fix the cracked window in your house right away, you can begin to get used to it. And then another window cracks, and then the back door stops working and the roof begins to leak, and you dont realize until its too late that the house is falling down around you."
Netflix: Cobra Kai
I held off watching this series because I knew the acting would be sub-par and the writing would be weak, but I started watching it this weekend.
The writing is weak, the plot(s) are ridiculous most of the time, but there is something about the Karate Kid. I had just finished high school when the first movie came out. I believe I watched it at least 10 times through the years.
I can't say that it's the best thing that I've ever seen, but I can't stop watching it.
Your thoughts on Paramount+
I bought a subscription a couple of weeks ago and started watching Star Trek Discovery. I've since finished that series and Star Trek Picard. I've watched a few episodes of Frasier.
The 10 bucks was well spent for the Star Trek series, but I'm not really finding anything else worth watching and I plan to cancel my subscription.
I believe I've seen a positive post about Paramount+ at some point, and am wondering if I'm missing something?
There is a billboard in my part of the world warning
us that marxism is the threat. On the billboard is this URL:
I haven't looked at everything.
America, a "3rd world nation"?
I spoke with a Brazilian man this morning who stated that in his travels across the US building Dollar General stores, he has encountered areas in our country that resemble the devastating poverty that he grew up understanding from his country. He's now a citizen of the US and fears that we are fast becoming a nation of haves and have nots. Much like where he grew up.
He also spoke to me about the dancing women in Rio during Carnival. He wanted me to know that the dancing women dressed in, well, not much clothing, are actually professional dancers (not strippers) who are hired to dance during Carnival.
He also mentioned, when I told him how much I would like to go to Rio some day, that he's never been to Rio De Janero. He told me that he was a southern Brazilian, and laughed as he's now a southern American.
Star Trek Discovery - Paramount+ Anyone?
If you're a Star Trek fan, the 9.95 a month is worth it for this series alone. At least until I've binge watched all of them. I see that there is a Star Trek Picard series as well. Has anyone watched that one?
I've finished season 1 of Discovery and am watching the 1st episode of season 2 now. I'm so impressed. It's as impressive as any big budget science fiction movie I've ever seen. It brings in information from ST Enterprise, as well as early original series.
Mass Hysteria?
I just finished watching a documentary on Amazon called "American Experience: War of the Worlds".
Of course I knew the story about the radio broadcast that Orson Wells did in the 30's and the hysteria that it caused, but this documentary really brings to light the power that the media has over people.
I believe that we are experiencing mass hysteria on a very large scale across the globe and the media is the culprit. They pander to their audience bringing them exactly what they need to get a fix. Fear, hatred, bigotry, etc... It's coming in the form of cable "news", AM hate radio talk shows, church sermons, and social media.
There are several points made about the audience who listened to the radio broadcast in this documentary. It's really worth a look if you have about an hour.
Profile Information
Name: NotAvailableGender: Do not display
Hometown: I live in Florida
Home country: I grew up in Indana
Current location: I currently live in Florida
Member since: Thu Jun 26, 2014, 11:20 AM
Number of posts: 658