mac2766's JournalSons of Liberty
I'm watching the series now and a couple of things really ring out to me....
1. The tea party sequence in episode 2. Being that Hollywood loves to take liberty with facts.... I'm really surprised that there weren't a couple of zombies, or vampires in the scene. I was almost expecting Sam Adams to don an Ironman suit and begin flying around the ship and start kicking ass....
2. It seems to me that since the beginning of our country, common folk have been fighting for the profit of the rich - John Hancock in example.
It may have been the greed of the British that caused the first American revolution, but it seems to me that those that profited most by our (common folk) defence of their right to make money are now the oppressors.
Makes you wonder.
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Name: NotAvailableGender: Do not display
Hometown: I live in Florida
Home country: I grew up in Indana
Current location: I currently live in Florida
Member since: Thu Jun 26, 2014, 12:20 PM
Number of posts: 658