Darb's JournalAnyone notice that "Stop Paul Ryan" advert that is cycling up on the DU?
"The Homosexual agenda's Trojan Horse" or some such shit? WTF?
Trying to figure out who would run that hater gumby logic ad?
Anyone watching this Patricia Smith on CNN. Mother of one of the
Benghazi dead? My right-wing nuttery kook meter is pegging. She has been abused by wingers and has now lost her cookies, it seems. Poor dear. Parroting winger talking points. Calling Hillary a liar.
Anyone see it?
Gotta say, Brian Williams is good at what he does.
MSNBC was wise to grab him.
Not too worried about that other stuff. He knows how to deliver the news.
I think Boehner is going to do the right thing.
I think he will allow compromises to come to a vote and let a coalition of sane Republicans and the Democrats pass a budget funding bill and a highway bill.
Yeah, I'm sayin it. Boehner is going to stick it to the Tealiban as his last act in Congress. He's going to do it because he got a little bit of inspiration from the Pope and because he is sick and tired of kowtowing to the loony bin baggers.
Go for it John! I'm with ya!!!!!!!!!
Article from 2001 regarding trophy hunting:
Lions face new threat: they're rich, American and they've got guns
You might call the lions of southern Africa potential Bush meat. The former American president, George Bush senior, and his old Gulf War ally, General "Stormin' Norman" Schwarzkopf, are pleading with the government of Botswana to be allowed to revive their old alliance, this time in pursuit of Africa's endangered big cats.
Mr Bush is among prominent members of Safari Club International (SCI) who have written to the Botswanan authorities asking them to lift a ban slapped on trophy hunting of lions in February.
Arizona-based SCI describes itself as the largest hunting organisation in the world and people who do not like what it does as "animal protection extremists".
Mr Bush's former vice-president, Dan Quayle, is also among the signatories along with Gen Schwarzkopf. Both men went hunting in Botswana last year, although it is not known if they bagged lions on that occasion.
One Dead, Dozens Hospitalized After Heavy Smoke at D.C. Metro Tunnel
Source: http://www.nbcwashington.com/
One woman is dead, dozens of other people were hospitalized, and three remain in critical condition after the upper level of the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station in southeast D.C. filled with smoke Monday afternoon.
Transportation Alternatives to Metro
A Virginia-bound Yellow Line train was in the tunnel just south of the station around 3:20 p.m. when it stopped for unknown reasons.
Read more: http://www.nbcwashington.com/traffic/transit/LEnfant-Plaza-Metro-Station-Closed-Due-to-Smoke-288309501.html
Correct me if I am wrong Scotty
But every politician that ran away from their party's sitting President lost, at best, and got trounced mostly.
Barack Obama lead the Democratic Party to a decent majority via hope for a change, then they decided to abandon change (maybe Obama didn't push enough too, but, really, they never had a true, loyal majority) and now they are the minority to a lunatic, far-right Repugnant party.
Thanks for nothing.
Whomever advises the Dem Party are suspect. They have been on their heels since '09.
The Democratic Party needs to rethink their direction.
The voting booth is private? Oh for fuck's sake, you deserve to get trounced by the turtle.
And thanks to all the purists, you got what you wanted. Now what?
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