KMOD's Journal“Hilary Rodham is one hot shitkickin’ feminist babe.”
- Michael Moore
Michael Moore has a little bit of a woman problem. It's probably quite frightening for him that a woman will most likely be elected President of the United States.
Time to give some love to Anne Murray
I am so looking forward to our convention.
The lineup is impressive and the contrast with the Republican clown show will be glaring.
And tomorrow we should find out who our next Vice President is.
Hillary is gonna send me a text, so I will be one of the first to know. I'll share it with you all once I get it.
I've been stood up.
They told me to meet them in the bowling group at 3:00pm, est, but it's quite clear there is no bowling group on DU.
Let’s Count the Lies in Christie’s Attack on Clinton
You might need the fingers on both hands.
By Fred Kaplan
Lock her up! Burn the witch at the stake! roared the crowds that night, as they had the night before, and Christie fit right in.
But lets examine his monologue in a way that no one else, least of all Christie, has done: as a serious, substantive list of charges. In this light, he wouldnt make it as an assistant district attorney in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, much less as attorney general of the United States.
Lots of good info in this piece to throw back at the madmen and those you support them.
Donald Trump, Jr. is so dreamy,
He actually learned how to mingle with the folks.
He learned how to pour sheetrock and hang concrete. What a man!
I wonder if he did it in a suit?
Oh well, anyway, he has his pulse on the little people.
And that speech, my gosh, the best speech that has ever been given, ever.
Do you see the misogyny in this election?
I'm just curious as to what the majority of DUers think. What is blatantly obvious to me, might not be to you, so I'm interested in seeing opinions.
I'm confident that Hillary Clinton will be strong enough to overcome it, but at this point it seems to be affecting other women as well.
Chris Christie is a vile, disgusting idiot.
For tonight's nighty-night song,
Let's dedicate songs to trump.
I'll start
Donald Trump will lose, and he will lose big.
It will be a great loss. A great and tremendous loss.
His loss will be so fantastic, it will be the greatest loss you have ever seen.
This man is not capable of being President of the United States.
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