KMOD's JournalThe greatest words of wisdom, often come from our children
Young Martin Richard was right.
May we all find the conviction to adhere his brilliant message.
The hatred and violence needs to stop, and we all need to do our part.
Try to love one another, because nothing good comes from hate.
No more hurting people.
I have completed my DU Lounge shortlist
All on my list will soon receive a PM from me.
I just need to ask a few quick questions so I can begin my vetting process.
Please try to keep our communication private, as I do not want there to be speculation before I make my final decision.
AP-GfK Poll: More people think life improves under Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump
They also are much more likely to think women, LGBT people, Hispanics, Muslims and blacks would be better off under Clinton, while they largely think men and whites would be better off under Trump.
Miles Kafka, 43, of Brooklyn, New York, said his life would "definitely" be better under Clinton "because Donald Trump's policies are gibberish." A registered Republican who works in computer programming, he supported Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, in the primary.
American voters as a whole, are more rational than some believe. GOTV.
Understanding Hillary
This is an effort to answer a question Ive been struggling with since at least 2008: Why is the Hillary Clinton described to me by her staff, her colleagues, and even her foes so different from the one I see on the campaign trail?
Ive come to call it the Gap. There is the Hillary Clinton I watch on the nightly news and that I read described in the press. She is careful, calculated, cautious. Her speeches can sound like executive summaries from a committee report, the product of too many authors, too many voices, and too much fear of offense.
The Iraq War mars her record, and the private email server and the Goldman Sachs paydays frustrate even her admirers. Polls show most Americans doubt her basic honesty. Pundits write columns with headlines like Why Is Clinton Disliked?
And then there is the Hillary Clinton described to me by people who have worked with her, people I admire, people who understand Washington in ways I never will. Their Hillary Clinton is spoken of in superlatives: brilliant, funny, thoughtful, effective. She inspires a rare loyalty in ex-staff, and an unusual protectiveness even among former foes.
This is an awesome interview. It's a long read, but it's well worthwhile.
What the people need, is a way to make them smile
it ain't so hard to do if you know how.
Gotta get a message, get it on through.
Listen to the music.
A toast for our Democratic Nominee, Hillary Clinton
Now that Senator Bernie Sanders has given his gracious, and heartfelt sincerity in endorsing Hillary Clinton, I think it would be a great opportunity celebrate this occasion with a toast to Hillary Clinton.
Her strength, character, and commitment in striving to make our country, and our world a better place is impressive and admirable.
Cheers to continued progress, for all of us.
OK, here's what I need you to do.
knock, knock, knock on this post if you want me.
knock, knock if the answer is no.
thump, thump, thump if you'll meet me in the hallway
clink, clink if you ain't gonna show.
I might rise above, I might go below
ride with the tide and go with the flow
Yes indeedo!
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