aspirant's JournalShow war the door
Obama just authorized 1,500 more advisers into Iraq and is asking for 8 billion dollars. Does anyone know where this austerity money is coming from? How does this jive with running with Obama is the winning ticket?
Time to take back our country
Are their 30 state legislations under repub control? You only need 33 to present an amendment to the constitution.In your wildest dreams can you imagine what the repubs want to do to the constitution? All the dark blue states voted close to polling predictions but the repub states were all over the board. We need to have our legal eagles going over the red states voting results with a fine tooth comb. We need to focus on grassroots in the states and not national dying cable tv. We spent billions on tv ads and what did we get in return? This is the old way where lazy politicians run 1 attack ad, their opponent runs 3 in rebuttal, then 3 more from the first guy and on and on until the media corps are running to banks with wheel barrows full of cash. All elections are statewide except 2, Prez. and VP. We must put those billions into the state(how many jobs?) because the votes are also used for the electoral college. Ads will never trump the power of human contact in family, friends, neighbors and community. Talking points must be created for each community within the states and not a national theme. Consider halting all political donations until we know exactly where every penny is going. Let's start here in our online community to develop the model. I don't have all the answers but I'm willing to listen
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Member since: Wed Nov 5, 2014, 10:47 PMNumber of posts: 3,533