Oneironaut's JournalHello - I like old cemeteries
I like old brownstone or slate headstones with interesting carvings. I also like to learn about headstone carvers and their unique styles they put into their craft.
Does anyone else also like old cemeteries?
Parents, students complain East Baton Rouge schools field trip was more like church service. Byrant, a biology teacher at Woodlawn High and the mother of a senior at the school, was one of those who took to Facebook to register her concerns. Shed learned the day before that she was serving as a chaperone for the event, accompanying her child. Bryant particularly objected to the organizers decision to separate the audience by gender and have the girls listen to a series of emotional talks from three female speakers.
They talked about rape (and) forgiving the offender, suicide, prayer leadership, and many more dark controversial topics. We had females in the bathrooms crying due to the topics of discussion, Bryant wrote.
Her transgender child, who identifies as he, tried to walk out as the girl talk started and was initially barred from leaving, the mother said. Bryant said she also heard that other transgender students were bullied Tuesday.
Summary -
- Baton Rouge High School students were brought on field trip to a career fair, which turned out to be church retreat
- Boys and girls were separated.
- The boys events including doing push-ups competitively to earn money in a hyper-macho atmosphere.
- The girls were proselytized about church dogma, including forgiving their rapist and purity culture.
- A transgender boy was forced to attend the girls lecture and couldnt leave. At the end, there was some ceremony where he was cleansed by having water poured over his head to convert him.
- The entire event was highly misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, and left students traumatized.
What the fuck!?
I don't care about the royal family. Monarchies shouldn't exist.
Yes, I know, the Queen Did so much for the world. Know who else couldve? Someone in a Democratically elected position.
Monarchies shouldnt exist in 2022, and its annoying American popular culture embraces the royal family so much. Their biggest claim to fame was being born. None of them seem exceptionally talented at anything or deserving of praise. They gather attention and money by merely existing.
The UK shouldve just dropped the title today once and for all. We fought a war to rid ourselves of this shit, and, Im fully comfortable in saying Democracy is vastly superior to Monarchy as a government structure. I know the royal family are just figure heads at this point, but, they need to be wiped out of American culture, much like all other forms of Authoritarian worship.
"We have a mental health crisis in this country, of which I plan to do absolutely nothing about."
Dear GQP - if youre so concerned about this countrys mental health, why dont you work to improve access to mental health services, and subsidize them through the government? Why dont you create free mental health services accessible by anyone whenever they want them?
Until then, shut the fuck up. You wont do anything about the countrys terrible mental health, so, we have to solve the gun crisis a different way - taking the guns away. Your thoughts and prayers have done jack shit.
Racist, Transphobic nutcase Paul Gosar spreads lies about the TX shooter. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) deleted a disturbing and offensive tweet Tuesday that falsely claimed the gunman who killed more than 20 people at a Texas school was a transsexual leftist illegal alien.
Gosar, an anti-immigration hardliner who routinely cozies up to white nationalists, was apparently promoting a false claim circulating on right-wing networks. Users shared images of a trans person unrelated to the attack claiming they were the shooter.
This is your typical Fascist nutcase. Theyre obsessed with creating a boogeyman, and, anything bad that happens is because of them. It doesnt matter if the tweet was deleted - it served its purpose in terrorizing two communities that are already consistently terrorized by the GQP.
Is anyone else autistic?
Im an Aspie and I love computer programming. Anyone else here autistic and what are your interests?
Right wing idiots cancel teacher for "Bringing children to a gay bar." Fox News article that claimed an elementary school teacher had taken children to a gay bar for a field trip has seen her and her family threatened and abused online.
The right-wing outlet focused a story on a school board member who accompanied the children on an annual trip to LGBT+-friendly restaurant Rosies Bar and Grill in Florida, appearing to try to manufacture outrage about the trip.
The knee-jerk reaction to the article saw numerous commenters pointing out the visit was an annual event and a normal part of community outreach.
Lauren Boebert is a supremely stupid person. Also, how is this not cancel culture?
Bill Maher is becoming an insufferable clown.
Remember that adage of people becoming caricatures of themselves? Real Time seems to be getting worse as Bill turns into a budget Joe Rogan / curmudgeon stereotype, whining about the youngins stepping on his lawn and playing loud rock music.
The people hes platformed this year are a cavalcade of abysmal circus clowns. Its been a line up of anti-vax kooks, grifters, and transphobes. We get it Bill - you think vaccines are poison, and transgender women are mentally ill men (does Bill know that trans men exist? Intense doubt.). Platforming these people is one thing, but Bill seems to passively agree with them, or just say nothing against their vile sputum. Bill never shuts up about how much he hates Liberals, but when Ben Shapiro lied through his teeth, it was as if someone found Bills mute button and pressed it.
His show format sucks now too. Remember when we had a three guest panel, and a final guest appearance at the end? I know they have COVID rules, but Im sure the same panel size could be accomplished in other creative ways. Given the guests Bill invites now, a higher number of voices would probably be better too, and less infuriating.
Bills constant whining about millennials (and now gen Z) is nauseating. We get it Bill - you think that the younger demographic side of the country is full of spoiled children that want to sit around and paint our nails all day rather than doing real work. This sounds eerily similar to the insipid Republican meme that the younger generations are lazy commies that are only poor because they arent working hard enough. I dont know whats worse - this, or Bills incessant sniveling about his now-installed solar panels?
What really set me off to write this was last episode. Regarding COVID, Bill outright said that the scientists are wrong, and that he knows more than the scientists. Really Bill? Can you really allow your ego to expand and stretch further? Arent you afraid itll burst, exerting a shockwave much like that of a thermonuclear warhead? Perhaps this is all an elaborate performance to demonstrate the Dunning-Kruger effect in real time?
In closing, this feels like more of a post mortem of a show thats dumpster-ready. The arrogant blowhard shtick only goes so far if you become that which you are parodying.
We're still in this!
Its still early, and we can win without Florida and North Carolina. Biden is doing well in Ohio. Its very close, but its not over until its over.
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