-none's JournalTHIS, absolutely Positively THIS!
The above excerpt needs to be spread everywhere!
None of the prisoners at Guantanamo are super villains, or super anything else.
The are human beings. And as such should be subject to the Geneva Conventions.
Some prisoners were minding their own business, but at the wrong place and/or wrong time. That was their biggest crime.
Imagine you were walking to a business a few blocks from where you live. On the way there, someone pointed you out and you were kidnapped and whisked off to another country in chains and subject to brutal conditions. You end up in a hot hell hole and denied your basic human rights for years on end. As silly as it sounds, you were deemed to be too dangerous to be given a proper trial.
That is what we are doing to people we are keeping prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Granted there may be some actual terrorists there, but there is no reason why they cannot be given real, fair trials and IF, IF found guilty, be sent to federal prisons located in this country. Most can and should be sent home.
We, the United States, has no business doing what we are doing in the Middle East. Almost everything we touch over there turns to shit, either at the time we touch it or at some later date through unintended consonances. All we are doing there is making more enemies to fight. We have enough terrorists in power in this country, that should be in prison, instead of gold plated revolving doors and high paying jobs. Let's work on getting justice for those terrorists instead, OK?
Too many people are blinded by partisanship and the "My Way is the Only Way", in this country to
understand the real issues. Nothing exists outside their immediate world view. They cannot imagine anything from another's view point.
They pick one or a few items and twist and spin them into something palatable sounding for their propaganda sound bites.
There seems to be only a few anymore that can see the big picture and those people are denigrated as being out of touch, when it is the people doing the belittling that do not understand.
There are some elections coming up
We have a bunch of people running, that are taking up a lot of air time, saying a bunch of empty words, that they hope will get people to vote for them. Issues? They can't afford to be pinned down. They don't want their real issues known.
Most are only differentiated from each other by the sound of their voice and the skimpiness of the veracity in their lies.
Too many of us pick one player and root for them like this is some kind of sports game. These people will often pick some personal characteristic, or other of that one person, as a reason everyone else should vote for them. As if their views don't matter, till next time, when we do it allover again, having learned nothing from the last time, as our country continues to circle the drain.
Some cannot seem to be able to distinguish the positions of the various candidates, even when they are polar opposites of the same party! Others claim to be of one party or the other, but they back the one candidate that has a long history of showing they should be running in the other party. These people need to replace their agenda with a white cane.
I think more people need to be exposed to this classic. There is a lot of truth here.
Speaking of real democrats... Correct?
We finally have one running on what used to be the Democratic platform. A platform with the people in mind, and we are being told he is not a real Democrat. We are being told that nothing Bernie wants to do can work. By whom? The ever Rightward drifting backers of the 1% and the status quo, claiming to be the real Democrats.
Bernie is more of an actual Democrat than anyone running for President since ??? Carter? Kennedy? Eisenhower? Truman?
Eisenhower was the last true Republican to become President. Every single Republican President elected after him, are guilty of impeachable crimes against the American People... Often deserting of prison time, though none have been tried.
All government E-mails sent from and to other government computers are behind firewalls and on the
government's own internet system.E-mails sent to and received from computers outside the government firewalls and/or sent to and from people outside the government, are normally sent in the clear at least part of the way on the normal Internet system. They are taking a chance of these E-mails residing on one or more servers serving the public somewhere along the way.
Unless Hillary took steps to put her E-mail server behind a government firewall, she is guilty of a security breach because the job Hillary had, normally dealt with classified information, with various security levels. The fact there is no evidence of her E-mail server being hacked, does not enter into this at all.
Did she, or did she not have her private E-mail server behind any government firewall? I'm thinking not, as she knows nothing of computers and nothing has been said to address this point, as far as I know.
^^^Absolutely, positively THIS!^^^
How can anyone see this and not question where Hillary is really coming from? Liberals and Progressives are not Right of Center.
Hillary is in this for the personal fame and glory. That is why she wants to win so badly. Bernie is in it for the people. That is why we need him to win this.
Haven't we had enough of the status quo, orchestrated by the Big Money? Haven't we had enough of voting for the lesser of the evils? Now we have a real choice, for the first time in many decades. Big Money or the Common Citizen? Which are you?
This is the United States and we have a gun problem.
The Second Amendment already allows banning and regulating firearms. Change the wording a bit in one law, is all it takes and that would go a long way to fix our gun death problem.
As I said, if we can afford the F35, we can afford this.
The government doesn't need to pay anyone for their firearms. Any firearm used in the commission of a crime, regardless of the owner, gets trashed and recycled as something more useful. The only exception would be if the firearm was stolen and the owner reported the theft. Subject to change if that owner "lost" too many firearms over a period of time. This would require all firearms to be tracked each and every time they changed owners.
Only 30% or so of the population owns firearms. Of those, 10% of that 30% of gun owners are the problem. Either hard core or out right criminal.
The health insurance companies are the problem with our health care.
Their profits stand between you and your doctor.
Why let them participate in any Single Payer plans. Canada has the correct idea. Do not let the insurance companies cover anything except elective procedures.
Too many people just cannot get away from the idea that we need some kind of insurance for health care. The insurance itseld is the root of the problem. Get rid of it!
Since we are the very last industrialized nation to not go to some kind of universal health care, why are we not looking around to see how all the other countries have switched over and are doing it? The hard work has already been done all over the world. Why are we still trying to figure it out alone?
Huh, what?
A proposed bill in New York aims to require that all smartphones sold in the state can be decrypted or unlocked by law enforcement. The bill, currently in the senate's committee stage, must pass through both New York's state senate and assembly in order to become law.
How does the first sentence jibe with the second?
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