Novara's JournalTwo fatally shot after van strikes toddler in Milwaukee
Source: Reuters
(Reuters) - A Milwaukee driver was fatally shot, along with a teenager at the scene, after he hit a toddler who had run into the street, police said on Monday.
The 41-year-old driver struck a 2-year-old on the city's northwest side at about 5 p.m. local time on Sunday, a police spokesman said.
The man was shot and killed when he got out of his van to check on the child, who died at the scene, according to authorities. Police said they believe the alleged shooter was provoked by the toddler being struck.
A 15-year-old boy, who was the toddler's brother, was also shot at the scene during the incident. It is unclear whether the teenager, who later died, was a passenger in the van or a bystander, according to police.
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Because an armed society is such a polite society, you know.
Who is watching Mad Men?
This final half-season makes me think the series should have ended last season. I have no interest in following Don's continued sexual exploits and angst about the past anymore (are we to see each of his past flings in some farewell tour?). And I was hoping Weiner would explore the Women's Lib movement but it appears he'll ignore it. Joan and Peggy are two characters approaching feminist issues from different perspectives; it would be fantastic to explore them.
Last night's episode makes it look like the series has just gone on too long.
Otherwise known as: Jump On Your Bike And Go!I recently moved to a northern, cold climate and I haven't done any outside cycling for MONTHS. I had been dutifully riding my trainer every day but hoo boy, that's boring. This morning, with 50F degrees and climbing, I pumped up my tires and I JOYBAGged! OMG, it felt so good. I've missed it so. I moved from a climate where I rode year round and lived car-free for years. How I missed hearing the birds as I pedaled, how I missed waving an acknowledgment to drivers who give me a wide berth when they pass. How I missed the fresh air on my face and yeah, I even missed the thigh burn when riding into a stiff wind (get back to me after moths of stiff winds and I'll feel differently about that, I'm sure). It felt so good to get outside and ride. I suppose I could have gone out in the coldest part of snowy winter but since this is my first winter here, I just didn't have the nerve. Maybe I'll ride more next winter.
How about the rest of you? Looking forward to better weather and more biking?
Is there any way posts can be automatically marked as read when I read them?
Or is there a better way to keep track of new posts than marking stuff as read and then looking tor the highlighted folders? Ideally, it would be cool if a thread is marked as read when someone reads it, at the last post read. Is there a setting for that? It feels cumbersome to go back out of a thread to the folder, and manually mark it as read after I've read it. Is there a different way to go about this?
Thanks. I'm feeling my way around.
Mother dangled toddler over cheetah exhibit before fall, Cleveland Zoo says
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- A mother dangled her 2-year-old son over the cheetah exhibit in the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Saturday afternoon when the boy slipped out of her grasp and fell, zoo officials said.
Cleveland Metroparks plans to press child endangering charges against her, according to a news release.
The boy, who fell between 10 and 12 feet into the cheetah pit, was taken to MetroHealth Medical Center to be treated for minor bumps and bruises from the fall, Cleveland Fire Department spokesman Larry Gray said.
The child's parents went into the exhibit and pulled him to safety, the news release said. The cheetahs never approached the boy or his parents, according to zoo officials.
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A New Phase in Anti-Obama Attacks
A New Phase in Anti-Obama Attacks - NYT Editorial BoardIt is a peculiar, but unmistakable, phenomenon: As Barack Obamas presidency heads into its twilight, the rage of the Republican establishment toward him is growing louder, angrier and more destructive.
Republican lawmakers in Washington and around the country have been focused on blocking Mr. Obamas agenda and denigrating him personally since the day he took office in 2009. But even against that backdrop, and even by the dismal standards of political discourse today, the tone of the current attacks is disturbing. So is their evident intent to undermine not just Mr. Obamas policies, but his very legitimacy as president.
It is a line of attack that echoes Republicans earlier questioning of Mr. Obamas American citizenship. Those attacks were blatantly racist in their message reminding people that Mr. Obama was black, suggesting he was African, and planting the equally false idea that he was secretly Muslim. The current offensive is slightly more subtle, but it is impossible to dismiss the notion that race plays a role in it.
Perhaps the most outrageous example of the attack on the presidents legitimacy was a letter signed by 47 Republican senators to the leadership of Iran saying Mr. Obama had no authority to conclude negotiations over Irans nuclear weapons program. Try to imagine the outrage from Republicans if a similar group of Democrats had written to the Kremlin in 1986 telling Mikhail Gorbachev that President Ronald Reagan did not have the authority to negotiate a nuclear arms deal at the Reykjavik summit meeting that winter.
Gynotician Alert of the Week: April 10, 2015
Gynotician Alert of the Week: April 10, 2015 - Planned ParenthoodThis week: North Carolina gynoticians are attacking medical schools, Ohio gynoticians are trying to criminalize abortions at six weeks, Arkansas gynoticians are forcing doctors to misinform their patients, and more.
Anti-women bullshit is in the link.
(If I put this in the wrong place, please let me know. I'm new and feeling my away around. Thanks.)
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