Merryland's JournalPosts intended to discourage, demoralize and divide
Hillary up by one million percent! S.C. will wipe out any chance of Bernie winning any primary! Step right up and get your bum's rush right here! You know, I think I'm going to put each and every one of those posters on ignore, they have become unbearable. Whether Bernie wins or loses, for God's sake, is David Brock providing you with all these incredible poll numbers?
Parallel Universes?
I swear I don't understand it. It's like the Hillary people are seeing one side & the Bernie people - are seeing a totally different set of facts. I swear I don't understand how Hillary Clinton could appeal to anyone. Is this primary an election where the Democratic party splits right down the middle?
Hillary interrupted by a courageous young woman
Wow - this is one of the most remarkable pieces of video I've seen.
Is anybody neutral about Hillary Clinton?
Admittedly I'm not, I'm a Sanders supporter in word and deed. It strikes me that Mrs. Clinton is either a love-her-or-hate-her figure; this would explain the fierceness of feelings one way or the other. This does not bode well for the Democratic party, which would have to rely on the Bernie supporters to actually win the election should she get the nomination, especially with the uncertainty of the investigations which may still be hanging over her head.
CNN saying many unregistered voters at caucus - what?
God, I hope not another mess like Iowa. what the heck is going on?
This primary seems so pivotal for the future of the United States
Don't think I've ever felt so emotionally invested in a candidate as with Bernie - so believe that America could go completely to the dogs or just, just maybe, turn itself around from it's warmongering & spying on its own citizens...and that this is the election, maybe even the damned caucus - that decides our future.
I feel like I'm being screamed at.
It seems like the questions are open invitation softballs
for her to pander to hispanic issues. ugh
I wonder how much endorsements (by other politicians) are worth?
Do people really vote based on those endorsements? It probably has been studied by some political scientist...
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Member since: Wed Jan 27, 2016, 04:35 PMNumber of posts: 1,134