LAS14's JournalTime sensitive. Off to canvass NH in an hour.
I had been counting on getting a printable list of answers to various Clinton smears from to hand to fence sitters who don't trust Hillary. I have such things for the e-mail report, and I was sure I had seen such a list on, but I can't find it now.
If it's there, would someone tell me how to find it?
If you have info about any other place I could get such a printable list, I'd much appreciate it.
I'm watching Georgia for fun.
The latest poll there ended on Sept 22, the doldrums for Clinton. The difference between them hovered between 3 and 8 percent. Will be very interested to see post debate polls.
This makes me feel better about Ohio polls. anyone know what's behind this Florida story?
I thought Clinton was doing fine with the black community. Is there a personal thing going on behind this story?
I've replaced the link I posted in error.
I was wrong.
Right up until the day of the debate I feared that Trump was a smart man who knew how to play the media and, through them, almost half of the electorate. I thought it was a (an increasingly faint) possibility that he had his sane self in reserve to spring on the doubters, once he'd locked down the crazies.
I'm happy to say that I was wrong to harbor such suspicions. The debate demonstrated he has absolutely no self control and no self awareness. I'm not going to worry about the 2nd debate.
Why does Clinton always do worse in the polls-plus 538 forecast...
... than in polls only or "now?"
Please don't forget the congressional contests.
I just donated to Carol Shea-Porter and Maggie Hassan in NH. I "adopted" them a couple of months ago because I live in Mass and we have no competitive races. If you haven't done so already, please adopt a competitive Democrat!
She had the demeanor of a hostess.
Clinton, the graphic declared, should add levity, sell herself, and be the Clinton who shines in a smaller room.
I was struck by the image of Hillary striding across the stage to shake Trump's hand. There was something masterful (mistressful???). But I couldn't put my finger on it. But this observation from a New Yorker article pinned it down for me. They want her to be "pleasant", "gracious", smile.... So she greeted Trump like a hostess. The epitome of the white suburban woman. BRILLIANT!
P.S. Kept thinking about this overnight. The subtle but important difference between being a "pleasant" candidate and a hostess is that the hostess owns the space. She's in charge. She welcomes people to HER environment. That's exactly how she greeted Trump and he had to have gotten the vibe. She was in charge. Imagine the difference between Clinton in the living room of the hostess at a fund raiser and Clinton in her own living room, hosting a party.
What is your favorite Trump ramble?
I cant use remark like I did for the Hillary post because I dont remember a single quotable quote from Trump. Maybe I wasnt listening.
Heres a link to the full text of the debate if you forgot the details.
What is your favorite Hillary remark?
One thing I havent heard discussed is the sheer number of quotable quotes Hillary came up with. Another benefit of preparation. She probably had pages of them, just waiting for openings.
Heres a link to the full text of the debate if you forgot the details.
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