LAS14's JournalDid the Amtrak engineer survive? nt
Any word yet on Alabama turnout? nt
The Al Franken flap has produced a good thing.
It has raised to the forefront the idiocy of "zero tolerance" and "the default should be to believe the woman." Faced with putting these ideas into action in all cases has made DUers (and, I hope thousands/millions) of other people realize that "Zero tolerance is zero common sense." (Another poster). I'm not saying the accusers are lying. Dunno. I'm just saying get real. Don't put sex in some sort of Victorian/Puritan magical category. Care about the environment and the poor and our health care!
Has Trump so trivialized U.S. foreign policy that the Jerusalem...
... "decision" will be viewed by the world as more stuff not to take seriously from the Tweeter in chief?
What happened to thread about amount of activity on DU?
I was reading it between 8:50 and 9:00 this morning, and came back to ask one of the posters about Facebook groups. But I can't find it anywhere. Was it deleted? It had a short Subject line. I thought "DU" was in it, but searches on web page don't find it. So... 2 questions.
1 - What happened to the thread?
2 - Someone said that people are shifting to Facebook groups. I couldn't find a single political Facebook group except Drudge. Am I not looking in the right place?
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Member since: Tue Feb 9, 2016, 02:20 PMNumber of posts: 14,324