LAS14's JournalVery cool!!!!
I'd like to know more about how they organized this.
Do any of you have opinions about Tom Steyer, of
His (to me) thoughtful ads have been appearing on daytime CNN for months.
Is this leading anywhere?
Does he have personal ambitions?
March 24 March for Our Lives faces difficulties with National Mall permit.
It turns out that a talent show already had a permit to use the Mall...
Heard it on Rachel.
Does anyone know anything about this?
Am I imagining things, or has media substituted "school shooter" for his name?
That would be good. If the accepted thing was always to talk about "the shooter." Not give the name publicity.
How old can a post be and still be "kicked?"
I found an old post I wanted to resurrect, so I posted a reply, but the OP didn't show up.
How can people sit around a table with him?
I've got CNN on mute and the crawl keeps quoting Trump. Yeah.... remember the last time Trump sat at a table with people and said he'd support anything that congress could agree on regarding DACA?
Nothing he says is worth anything. He's contradicted himself on every single utterance. Why do people keep paying attention?
What do you think about the NDRC?
It's the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, started after the election by Barack Obama and Eric Holder. The purpose is to eliminate gerrymandering by any (non-criminal, I suppose) means. They've been instrumental in helping flip some state house seats, where re-districting will be executed.
Did you know about this organization?
Does it get you excited?
Have we had presidents this bad in our history? I ask, because....
.... I remember zoning out when we hit the latter half of the 19th century in highschool. My impression was lots of corruption and a serious lack of intelligence. Has it been this bad before?
When a post disappears.
I could swear there was a post in one of the threads yesterday with the phrase "stirring the pot," but a search for "stir" didn't turn anything up. What happens to a post when it is alerted and fails the jury? Does it just disappear, or is the subject changed to something like "Deleted by author?"
Do you think video games have contributed significantly.... the current notion that everyone should be armed? I was really struck by the Judy Woodruff interview of two teens who were NRA supporters. They were as articulate as the anti gun teens from Parkland that she interviewed the night before. They were clear that they wanted a world where guns were common place, their argument being that mass shooters would think twice.
They want to go back to the frontier. Or forward to video land.
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