jodymarie aimee
jodymarie aimee's Journallittle levity for you
I can't wait for President Trump to make ISIS surrender by repeating the words 'Radical Islamic Terrorism' 3 times.
Steve Deace just slammed MOJO bigtime on Tamon's show
it was beautiful to watch, he laid the whole Trump deal at MoJo's feet. Tamron said I'm sure you'll be hearing form Joe later today. He said bring it on. My new hero.
body language expert tells us what all that sniffing is
CNN just had an expert tell us it is a nervous tic, and he is not aware he's doing it. It marks his place in his speech, like an exclamation point. He gives himself a pat on the back for nailing a point. Good Lord. He even pats himself on the back with his nose !!
I will hold a Supreme Court Pageant and pick the best judges
last nite Trump said he would have "beautifully selected" judges.
I also thought of a good comeback to the "locker room talk"...ask him where locker room talk got Sandusky.
will Cheeto go to Heaven
Wait til Donald is before St Peter & finds out what 'extreme vetting' really means.
The Dodo Bird last nite
Let's bring you up to speed...
Cooper: "Mr. Trump but do you admit of having talked about grabbing women's genitals?
Trump: "Look...ISIS,China, Wall,Leonard Bernstein, Leonid Brezhnev,
Lenny Bruce, and Lester Bangs
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly beans, boom!
You symbiotic, patriotic, slam book neck, right? Right."
Creepy new girl on MSNBC just said her ma is a lifelong R and now cannot vote R
The 9AM girl, Stephanie something, really trying to stand out and to shine and make her bones. She is pretty combative with just about every interviewee...NOT IN A GOOD JOY REID way, more like showing off....told Pence about her ma...and Pence said he is proud to stand with Trump. There you go, the Rs are back in CrazyCamp.
Did you guys notice who rushed to greet Cheeto behind the curtain after the debate
After the Vulgarian and his Stepford family made their way to the exit which was a curtain on the left side of the stage... One fellow was rushing to usher him out. You could see his huge head and arms out to Cheeto.....STEVE BANNON. That dick choreographed the entire evening, including the pre debate show.
I wish she would just hand him a kleenex
and Wouldn't it be awesome if in the middle of it Hillary took out a tic tac
baby needs his nose wiped again
Geez...already in the first 5 mins. snif...snif....
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Member since: Tue Jul 26, 2016, 05:41 PMNumber of posts: 3,975