jodymarie aimee
jodymarie aimee's Journalwhy would immigrants WANT to come to 2016 America anyhow
thinking about this today. The Vulgarian has single-handedly made immigration the issue for the Rs this election. The whole world is watching this insane American election in horrified amazement. Why would they want to come here when one party puts up a lunatic for the highest office in the land? ICK America, just ICK.
5AM over here and MoJo out for blood because his pal smacked him down on tweeter, even intimating he and Mika having an affair. So Joe just said 78x in a row Amnesty Don. Hilarious ! Eating their own. He is hoping that phrase is repeated all day and nite on the tv set.
Boris on CNN now
In a discussion of gay rights, Boris just said HRC has done a BILLION things against gays. A BILLION. And "anchorguy" lets it fly right into the propaganda sky.
I am the radical left
Yesterday someone started a discussion equating the radical Right to some radical Left. I say some, as I don't know any batshit crazy group on our side. There is no equivalent. I protested the war in 1969-70 in Berkeley. Never stopped being radical. Below is my letter to the editor published in my local paper BACK IN FEBRUARY. I was pro Bernie, knowing there was no chance he would be our nominee. I happily campaign every day for HRC. If you can find something Tea Peoplish in my letter, let me know. If the New Deal and the 2016 version of same is radical I am proud to be radical Left.
In 1951 America was prosperous with a 90% tax rate. Conservative writer Russell Kirk predicted if the middle class grew to the point where they started to feel their own economic power that would lead to chaos. He contended change was ok if small slow and incremental. Progressives, in line with the new Deal, said just the opposite. Kirk predicted women, minorities, 18 year olds, soldiers, gays would demand their rights. He wrote that we've got to dial back the middle class. Reagan said the middle class is too fat and happy. "Why should I pay for free tuition for some kid who's just going to challenge my policies and call me names?"Reagan did away with tuition free college. Since the 1980s Republicans have promised to grow the economy by cutting taxes, privatizing the public sphere and deregulating. Democrats have mainly promised to limit he damage done by the Republicans.
Why are the middle class voting against their own interests and not demanding what we demanded in the 1930s and 1960s? Right now the only person saying stuff like this is Bernie. Corporate media ignore him, they are too busy fawning over the Vulgarian. Bernie is calling for a political revolution and appealing to our better angels. The seeds of the better have always been there. It is quite simply a new humanity. While we are fortunate to have 2 great candidates on the Democratic side, Hillary is a Corporate Democrat and Bernie is a Progressive Democrat. Bernie has lived his politics for decades, he has no baggage. He will not move to the middle for votes, that is nuts.
Some are rightly scared, they have all their marbles in the system. But, that system is unworkable. The problems we are up against relate to a power structure that is ruining this county. Social inertia. Crystallization means the more pressure you put on coal the sooner it turns into diamonds. This guy has captured the entire minority so that is isn't a minority anymore. .It's a majority of minorities. Bernie's stirring our brains with a spoon. JFK said we are going to do big things, things they say are impossible. The future's about nerve.
You say America won't vote for a Socialist Jew? I say to you, America celebrates a Socialist Jew every December 25th. Socialism didn't poison Flint. Austerity and capitalism run amok did. Some say his policies are pie in the sky. 170 economists beg to differ. They will work, they have worked.
The New Deal and Civil Rights Movement created a country that was for things, not against things. We succeeded in creating a place, for a brief shining moment that embodied all we had been taught to hold dear, that all men were created equal and destined for a place where the pursuit of happiness was an achievable goal. Halfway down the stairs is a stair. Bernie is that stair.
Face eater kid had a Trump hat on
A Trump supporter.
Jesus Mary and Joseph
Jeffrey Lourd on CNN yelling "Democrats didn't apologize for slavery at their convention, did they? The Black guy on the panel said, "What are you talking about?" What's next...Hillary gave Eve the apple.....sadly, this is 6PM "NEWS" in 2016. I have lived too long.
my gift to you today
For 3 minutes, Move away from the Vulgarian and emails and all things election and listen to this. As relevant today as it was then.
Bye Bye Bill O the Clown is a perv AGAIN
Ok, this was just on Think Progress. Now the Cosby is spreading to Bill O the Clown, who is no stranger to sex stuff. But, I am starting to wonder. Is it Trump's next step? Loses the election. Demolishes FOX and starts his own FOX? Sex and O' Reilly go back decades, nobody cared before. The one I would love to see get smacked in the kisser is that Judge Jeanine. I saw Russell Brand do an impression of her once, spot on.
why Rudy is being such a dick
Jelani Cobb told us tonite Rudy is being a dick because he was supposed to run against HRC for the Senate in NY. And he got sick with prostate cancer. Get it: Doctor Rudy is the one who got sick.
this is who I am
Someone wrote a post asking new ones to introduce themselves. I write letters to my local papers 2-3 a month since 2010. Living in Wisconsin, I've got plenty of material. I just resigned from my county's DEM Exec Bd. because they are way too wimpy for me. Rummage sales, fish fires, when we've got so much work to do here. It will take decades to undo all the crap Walker has done in 6 years. Please to enjoy my June letter to local Gazette. Making a pitch for the young ones. Jody Hurrish.
Sometimes I feel like I went to party in 1969 and it sort of spilled out the door and into the street and covered the world. Hundreds of thousands of us became united by peace love and freedom. Our political issues were war, civil rights and the planet. Governor Reagan viewed us thusly "Someone who dresses like Tarzan, has hair like Jane and smells like Cheeetah". But, we prevailed.
Last week as the Vulgarian was draping himself in ermine, brave Democrats "sat in" led by the magnificent John Lewis. As I heard him speak I got the 1969 shivers. On Fox, Greg Gutfield played that clip and his reaction was "Oh barf". In the 1960s when Lewis marched for the vote and state troopers fractured his skull, do you suppose Gutfield's Daddy said "Oh barf"?
Americans are crazy in love with a girl named Capitalism. Our worth today isn't measured by how many people we help or how much we progress as a people. It's measured by our income, our home, our automobile, our stock portfolio. Our National Credo: "What's good for business is good for America". Yes, and slavery was a real cost cutter, too.The Civil War was the original "It's the Economy, Stupid." Americans, we've got to stop bogarting that joint. When you advertise as a melting pot, it's polite to melt a little.
We are disengaged from each other. Television marvels at the levels of anger in present day American politics. But anger is what pain looks like when it shows itself in public. We can't connect on the basis of anger, but the subjective experience of pain is more promising terrain for civic reweaving. How can Americans fall back in love with one another as a people with a common fate? Stop being a citizenry who are not of interest to one another?
Some people say I'm apolitical as if it's a hobby like skiing or gardening. It shouldn't be a bragging point. "I just don't get involved in politics" as if that makes them somehow cleaner. No, it makes them derelict of duty. Our ball bearings have become rusted.
Young ones, don't allow yourselves to be victimized by society, a habit that produces a neurological imprint. Switch on the blender and mix up that black cocktail and it's extremely difficult to override that brain chemistry. By then it's playing by physical rules and that's a whole different ballgame.
I'd like to give you the optimism and love and passion we had. I'd like for you to sit in cafes that smell of comets. I want you to carry luggage that reeks of the neurons of Einstein's brain. Become your government. Join the Democrat party, because austerity is not where it's at. Run for office and never ever stay home on Election Day. Spill out the door and cover the world.
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