jodymarie aimee
jodymarie aimee's's how he can get them blacks
I've got it. Orange Foolius dumps Melania and marries Omarosa. That'll get them the blacks.
Katrina on MSNBC again
She just said Mrs. Clinton's Man U er isms lead her to believe she is sickly. Best to stick to 2 syllable words Trumpettes. Why is HRC taking the bait on all this dumb crap? Stick to the meat and pot issues.
MSNBC reports HRC met with Sir Paul McCartney today. Go on youtube and watch 60 second ad Baryschnikov did for HRC. It is wonderful. Those 2 guys sure beat Chachi.
Katrina Pierson
Just watching a rerun from last week of Trevor Noah. Katrina was on a reality show...housewives something....she was arrested for shoplifting. They played a clip with the dames attacking each other. Must be another one of Trump's SHOWS where he learns every president thing.
Boris just said Trump can still win NY, despite HRC being up 33 points IN NY
Donny Duetsch is giving it to Boris, Trump's newest Goombah. HRC is up 33 points in NY State. Goombah said Trump can still win NY in 86 days. DD said You can't say that !! It makes no sense. If it weren't our country it would be hilarious.
Mo Jo just said "somehow the voices of right wing radio have filtered down." SOMEHOW??? You brought it all to the nuts on 3 hrs. of your show 5 days a week. You guys know a dead intern was found in Scarborough's office when he was a congress person? Bring that up to him on his FB page.
How come Obama hasn't smacked Trump down today
Ok, it has been 24 hrs now since the Vulgarian said Obama founded ISIS and ISIS worships Obama. Been waiting all day for Obama or Biden to give it to him bigtime. Do you suppose they are doing something behind the scenes?
See Dob run. See Don read
He just said snart instead of start small businesses and titties instead of cities. See Don run.See don read. He gets a mean look when protestors are escorted out. You know he wants to kill them.
anniv of voting rights
Rev Wm Barber just told us that today is the 51st Anniv of the Voting Rights Act. And the Rs still refuse to honor it. Cheating is easier for them to win..
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