jodymarie aimee
jodymarie aimee's Journalcaravan includes "stone cold criminals" mean Manafort Flynn Papadopoulos and Gates?
Trump warns that the caravan includes many "stone cold criminals" - You mean like Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Rick Gates?! All Trump advisors and aides going to jail. And many more TBA!!
We are the only people on earth born knowing how to roll our eyes with them closed..
Black women, we have attitude. We are the only people on earth born knowing how to roll our eyes with them closed..
Marsha Warfield.
NC dad shot his son on Thanksgiving after argument about football anthem protests
NC dad shot his son on Thanksgiving after argument about football anthem protests:
RAW STORY entire piece
A North Carolina dad allegedly shot his 21-year-old son on Thanksgiving day after the young man got into a fight with his brother about athlete anthem protests.
WNCN reported that 51-year-old Jorge Luis Valencia Lamadrid had, according to a police warrant, been drinking heavily before his two sons got into an argument about athletes taking a knee in protest during Thanksgiving dinner.
The son Lamadrid allegedly shot started to become more confrontational with his brother and his dad told him to leave the house and soon after, the brothers got into a physical fight.
The father tried to intervene, the report noted, but realized he couldnt. Another of his children left the house and the victim continued to argue with Lamadrid, which led to the father attempting to kick that son out. At some point during the altercation, the father picked up his shotgun.
While the fight was still going on outdoors, the victim started throwing patio furniture and then threw a water bottle in his dads face, allegedly causing him to squeeze the trigger on the gun reflexively, shooting his son in the hand and leg.
Lamadrid told police that after he checked on his 21-year-old son who he shot, he went back inside the home and got dressed to wait for authorities to arrive.
The son suffered non-life-threatening injuries, the report noted. Lamadrid was arrested on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and bonded out of jail.
Sinclair Broadcasting requires TV stations to defend tear gassing migrants....UGHHHH
Greg Sargent
This is extraordinary.
Sinclair is now reportedly requiring dozens of local stations to air a segment that defends the tear-gassing of migrants and describes them as an invasion of our country.
Im not sure weve figured out how to conceptualize this adequately.
my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else's brain can ever tell me..guess who?
"Im doing deals, and Im not being accommodated by the Fed, Trump said. Theyre making a mistake because I have a gut, and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody elses brain can ever tell me.
Josh Dawsey
Trump vented repeatedly about Fed Chair Jerome Powell today. But after meeting with Janet Yellen for post, Trump was impressed with her intellect & rates decisions. But he told advisers she was too SHORT for the job and kept asking others if they agreed.
"I don't think poor people should take from the govt" I busted out crying, "How can you SAY that?"
Every day we get to the gym at 4:45AM and wait for the doors to open..usual group...I stay far away from the Rs....I write letters since 2009 for DEMS and those Rs are not fans !! So we are standing outside the gym and this lady in her 70s ..comes with her huz.....she always wants to chat....this AM I outright asked her if she was an R...."yes, but we don't discuss politics..." You know who says that...Rs..DEMS are eager and proud to discuss politics, in my humble opinion....
Anyway since she is a big Catholic and came to Dad's funeral( he was Catholic priest and died a year ago).....I ask..."because of abortion?" No...then I asked if her parents were sometimes in this tiny town you kind of inherit political stripes...No..
She says " I don't think poor people should take from the govt...get these free things for not working" I had a bad weekend...sinusitis/sore throat and broken car...on its last legs and when it goes so does my transportation....
I busted out crying and said "How can you SAY that? In WI single poors/elderly/disabled get pennies a day in FS...then went on to tell her that some folks who live in my HUD bldg make as little as $4grand year..I said "How can you SAY that?" again and I walked away crying..she called after me, but did not approach....when the doors opened I noticed she was whispering to her huz....
It hurts to be poor and it hurts even more when these Rs berate us out of ignorance....they could not survive 1 day in our lives..thank you for listening... I had to tell somebody..
Ari asks us to imagine: 'Obama tries to prosecute McCain'
Ari Melber
Not a huge fan of "thought experiments," but imagine this *same* news, and the national reaction, applied to other people in the *same* positions:
'Obama tries to prosecute McCain'
'Clinton tries to prosecute Dole'
'Bush tries to prosecute Gore'
"You build an imaginary bridge over the imaginary river."
Kurt Andersen
To *really* bond with Trump, Putin should tell him about the time Nikita Kruschev gave this advice to Richard Nixon: "If the people believe there's an imaginary river out there, you don't tell them there's no river there. You build an imaginary bridge over the imaginary river."
Remember when MSNBC gave Greta Van Sustern a show and Rachel was smooching on her..
Remember when MSNBC gave Greta Van Sustern a show and Rachel was smooching on welcome her and get us to watch her new show....we didn't !!
I wondered where she is now...she has a bloggy type show and interviews cool guys like Rick Perry....
Plugged in With Greta Van Susteren - VOA News
What if the next time we get a Donald Trump in this country, it will be someone who can read
My greatest fear is that the next time we get a Donald Trump in this country, it will be someone who can read. Which is why we must do the work of healing our diseased body politic, not just Band-Aiding the festering boil that is Trump.
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