Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalSo far highly disappointed in A Christmas story live
Maybe an older guy thing who loves the original movie?
Your most loved school cafeteria dish?
Split pears with a dollop of mayonnaise and shredded cheddar cheese mmmmm
My daughter says,
Did they hate children in the old days?
I heard Chris Matthews call jones
A conservative Democrat?
Any chance he votes yes in a trump issue
Does your schools shame free lunch children?
My cousin told me last night her middle school uses color coded tickets,
White paid in full
Pink reduced
Yellow free
Students at lunch present tickets after picking food and moving down a line.
Trying to watch all Sunday shows
So far I have not seen any host push back at right wing guests lies about how trumps winning geez Louise
In the cardiologist office for check up
What do I say when he asks why my heart rate is up?
Cuz trump is going down!
What if he's a trumpster??😱
Fox news nothing to see here (Flynn)
No collusion
Nothing related to the president
Firecracker not bombshell
We knew all this about Flynn
Russia obsession on left
Good thing for trump
Aye ok that was stupid.
Bat shit crazy Michelle Malkin (stienle verdict)
Her eyes roll around trying to make sure camera is showing her "concerned outrage"
Funny when you search Google or YouTube on her results as typing pop up:
Michelle Malkin batshit crazy
Michelle Bachmann batshit crazy
Profile Information
Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
Number of posts: 3,496