Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalGood morning and do not turn on the morning news shows
"Reagan like"
"Now President"
"Finally the pivot"
Basically trump oral sex on the news shows today.
Chris Wallace calls first Reagan comparison
Omg watching that channel you would think they are orgasmic?????
The tide may be turning as freepers freep the f out
Was just over in freeperville seems the story on trumps possible immigration compromise has them wigged out. Well at least a few a lot making snide remarks about fake news and unnamed officials.
But this seems to be just the thing to have trumps base turn on him 😀
They let wolf in the Whitehouse and now he's Pavlov ing
Geez great speech planned, OBAMA care, unity, PRESIDENT
Fox news mirror universe tomorrow thread
"Not since Ronald Reagan"
"A page from Reagan"
"Ronald Reagan would be..."
"A gipper speech"
Did I just hear Kate Baldwin correctly????
Trump has put out orders to republicans on tonight's decorum?????
Why in the hell is the effin media pushing trump tonight
Will stay on message????
There is nothing to suggest he will??
Trump has secret service eject member of Congress
Now wouldn't that be a beautiful headline tomorrow 😀
Profile Information
Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
Number of posts: 3,496