Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalAnybody spot the whistling idiot at SOTU last night?
Trump seemed to notice who it was at the first moment he took the podium. Way annoying and I shut it off this morning in just a few words from news media told me it would go the typical boring trump.
Msnbc : bad not unifying
CNN : moderate well taken by most
And of course fox
:not since Regan.....blah blah blah blah:
Ok wait, using fox logic what if trump never releases memo?
Getting my dose of how fox news covers the top stories this morning each time they brought up the memo, at least one of the jello heads would spout:
"Well the president himself will decide if it gets released, and remember the president does not have to release it AT ALL"
Fox and friends puke fest today
All and I mean all trumps enablers!
Act as if no one has ever seen Washington dc ?
Fox showing "awaiting Whitehouse briefing"
On Saturday?
Is trump trotting out Sarah huckster to blab how great he is??
Did doctor Jackson do President Obama's physical briefing?
Wanted to compare them to today's press room shithole shitshow.
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
Number of posts: 3,496