Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalFor the legal minds Rodger Stone on Tucker tonight
Would he face any legal peril spouting it was a setup, Mueller lies, fbi lies, etc.
If you don't watch fox news omg
Today your missing some of the best fact twisting you will EVER see.
Will stone appear in a jump suit and cuffed?
I hope because right wing radio and fox will explode.
Boy fox news is really having a problem with felony arrests
Geraldo on with the dimwits calling it
Don Shipley (outs fake military) mentioned DU
In his latest YouTube video.
I follow him because I enjoy his outing of fake navy seals. But last night he posted one about Nathan Phillips where he mentions Democratic Underground in the opening.
I won't post a link because some might find it as right wing talking points. I just found it odd he mentions DU?
Not sure as most of his videos are non political.
The video basically goes into media referring to Phillips as a (Vietnam war veteran) he defended philips in part as he himself never used words himself.
So, IF Cohen appears in front of Congress?
Looks possible it could be scrapped.
If he does? How will he non answer "did trump ask you to lie?" You know that's going to be asked.
Donnie Deutsch suggested last night "not to let air out of balloon but people may be disappointed in his appearance"
Deutsch says he spoke to Cohen who he claims friendship.
All news networks "we have not independently confirmed"
Ok for this slow southerner
Exactly what does that mean?
Buzzfeed story my prediction
So buzzfeed says trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress.
Today trump ends shutdown and scrambles to put word out he is a hero.
Look a gold squirrel!!
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
Current location: Leesville
Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
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