Thomas Hurt
Thomas Hurt's JournalJust a thought here: The christofascists on the Court knew that Humpty Trumpty was in for a big fall
Had been warned in fact and they had to get their shots at the libs in before the GQP brand went to shit.
Heard from the "libertarian" (read hates Biden) branch of my family today on Dobbs.
Any guesses folks?
That's right, bothsiderism. The Democrats and the Republicans are both hypocrites about bodily autonomy because of masks.
The United States Supreme Court is a now a religious court.
Alito's is initiating a coup of the Court...taking lessons from his fascist brother-in-arms, the Pig.
Roberts has no control of the Court anymore.
The christfascists are just doing whatever suits their partisan christofascist agenda. Has nothing to do with the Constitution just about religion.
Alito is in the process of defacto deposing Roberts as Chief Justice.
Once done, there is no reason to hear and decide cases brought before the Court in other manner than blatant political and religious agenda.
SCOTUS knowingly and purposely leaked the draft opinion to see how deep a shit the GQP
would be in if they actually followed through with it. Really ugly fallout they could back off in the final opinion.
Thoughts anyone?
What is up with the media? They keep saying, "we underestimated Putin"...
"Putin is enigmatic". Are they really that obtuse? Do they think the West's intelligence community doesn't understand what Putin's broader goals are? WTF? Might as well join the Pig and laud Putin as a stable genius.
Anyone feel confident enough that the Pig will by indicted by NY to pick a day this week when...
it will drop?
What you think folks, Is Bannon going claim executive privilege, divine right of kings?
Because you know there is a lawsuit coming.
Troll farms reached 140 million Americans a month on Facebook before 2020 election, internal report"
In the run-up to the 2020 election, the most highly contested in US history, Facebooks most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were being run by Eastern European troll farms. These pages were part of a larger network that collectively reached nearly half of all Americans, according to an internal company report, and achieved that reach not through user choice but primarily as a result of Facebooks own platform design and engagement-hungry algorithm.
rest of the article here:
I was on vacation in Yellowstone...anyone heard what happened to the AZ fraudit report?
I don't see anything on google since late August.
Giving Abbott the finger: Robertson County TX students and staff are required to wear masks...
starting today. Heard on the radio this morning.
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