bluestarone's JournalAfter RUMP is out of office, and CHARGED with everything.
Will he SQUEAL everything he knows about ALL the RETHUGS in congress? I bet he will not go down ALONE!! ( i hope he DESTROYS the RETHUGLICON party)
Help me understand ther House process. (with the 140 rethugs threats)
I DO understand that there is NO WAY they change a fucking thing, BUT How much time does each one get on the floor? Could this go into the night? TY in advance!
Pence got the vaccination SO (supposed to wear mask afterwords)
I'm waiting for pictures of HIM with NO mask on in Colorado! I bet we see some!
Maybe i'm wrong, but i feel all these pardons will at some point ASSIST
The NY AG. when she goes after RUMP family in the future lawsuits! Could be a BUNCH of witness's that CANNOT commit perjury?
If we win the senate in Georgia runoff could
The senate subpoena a sitting president?
Would love to see Adam Schiff
Go to the senate floor and replay the video he did on the senate floor during the Senate removal hearing. He foretold EVERYTHING that is happening NOW! Then ask for a RE-VOTE!
My thoughts on pardons
No matter who is president, ALL pardons should be done BEFORE the general election. NONE after election is over. I know this is a constitutional thing (won't happen), but that's my thoughts
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Member since: Thu Apr 6, 2017, 07:20 PMNumber of posts: 18,760