Goodheart's JournalOK, let's share some anecdotes about today's rancid Trumpcare vote. I'll start.
I understand I'm doing this at the risk of getting overly optimistic about 2018, but my neighbor, a 60 year old Trump voter whom I thought could never be dissuaded from that bit of mental disease, just came over to say hello to my dog (it's a long story heh) and I asked her if she had seen today's vote. She's FURIOUS. I congratulated her on her fury.
I also make this vow here and now. I'm in red state Louisiana but that fact won't stop me... at the midterm elections I will drive five other people to the polls to vote Democratic with me. DRIVE WITH FIVE.... that's my new slogan.
Are Long and Upton blithering idiots or did they only seek attention for themselves?
So that they could go back to their constituents and declare that they were the fellows who insisted on coverage for pre-existing conditions?
Let's just assume for the sake of argument that there are 40 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.... what that $8 billion amendment spread over 5 years does for people amounts to just $3.33 per month for those Americans.
Let me repeat... Those two fellows were bought by THREE WHOLE FUCKING DOLLARS AND THIRTY THREE FUCKING CENTS per month. No, actually, they were bought by much more that that.... that's what they're conceding to YOU.
Scoundrels, assholes, idiots, pigs.... I don't think there's a word in the English language strong enough to describe Republicans.
OMIGOD Feinstein just dropped the ball.
Comey retreated behind a defense that he could not in good conscience or practice CONCEAL the matter of an investigation into Anthony Weiner's computer containing emails from Hillary Clinton.
The legitimate, logical response question would have been "then why didn't you apply the same standard to the Trump Russia investigation?" Feinstein failed to ask that, and it appears now that this hearing is moving forward without an answer.
Here's my own "Mnuchin Principle" : will somebody please punch him in the face?
Want to see some smirks? Try this:
We're supposed to simply TRUST that shaving 15% off the highest tax bracket, eliminating AMT, eliminating estate taxes, etc., won't benefit the highly wealthy? He's not making any sense, anyway. Eliminate all deductions except mortgage interest and charitable giving? REALLY? Does that include business deductions like payroll expenses, depreciation, travel expenses, what, what, what? What the hell does he even MEAN?
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