Goodheart's JournalJust gotta say... I really like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia
On MSNBC right now. Seems ultra-caring for his constituents without any of that common haughty pomposity a Senator.
My fear is that Mueller will prove collusion but won't say so
I think Alan Dershowitz is correct: there are no actual criminal statutes against it, and if Mueller does what Comey SHOULD HAVE done... just announce whether he's found something prosecutable, nothing else, and then keeps his trap shut... well, that's going to be Republican cover, no matter how treasonous.
Keeping my fingers crossed for criminal obstruction of justice, money laundering, witness tampering, etc. Not too optimistic on the collusion front. Somebody give me some hope!
Isn't it a damn shame when a citizen hopes that the man in the White House has committed high crimes and misdemeanors?
Cheeto Crybaby says that Democrats are embarrassed because the Electoral College favors us.
So why hasn't ANY reporter then asked him "if that's the case, would you support asking your Republican colleagues to help abolish the Electoral College?"
I know I'm in the minority about the "you better not hope there are tapes" threat
but when I first saw Cheeto Baby Blabbermouth Baby's tweet I took it to mean that Cheeto was warning Comey not to release information that COMEY might have taped. I still believe it's the only interpretation that makes sense.
Let's face it... Cheeto knew that Comey never said anything incriminating to himself, but Cheeto also knew that that's exactly what HE had done. Already paranoid about Obama having surveiled him, this was just another extension of his paranoia. Fearful about the consequences of his own criminal mouth he was threatening Comey with prosecution if there tapes not pre-approved for the conversation. The threat would have made no sense to Comey at all otherwise.
Frankly, I don't understand how the threat could have been so widely misinterpreted. ???
Have any of your relatives played the Jesus card on you?
My nephew did to me on Facebook this afternoon:
He: Just as the bible and Jesus is for real, and we must live like Jesus did, trust me I pray for people like u daily
Me: Let's see... you voted for an admitted sexual molester, who has cheated so many people that he had to repay $25 million, who mocks people for their disabilities, who criticizes people for the race to which they were born, who lies about major things on a constant basis, who just put our intelligence agents in mortal danger, who just spat on our American allies, who runs our government as his own business to make profits, and you're going to pretend to be doing what Jesus wants? Get out of here. If there is a Jesus he's not very happy with you, trust ME.
He: I did and proud of it
Me: Which makes you a dishonest and unholy crackpot. You're saying the wrong prayers... you should be praying for YOURSELF.
He: What I proud of is that his values were far better than Hillary's anti Christian ones, he was and is not perfect as I but prayers were answered that more people feel like me because he is our president just as Obama was, so I still pray u see the truth
Me: Here's the TRUTH: No, his values were and are NOT far better than Hillary's. Hillary cares for people, Trump cares for himself. Hillary is not a racist, Trump is. Hillary doesn't mock people because of their disabilities. Trump does. Hillary doesn't sexually molest people then brag about it. Trump does. Hillary doesn't constantly lie. Trump does. Hillary doesn't cheat small businessmen and contractors. Trump built a career around it. Why don't you admit the TRUE reason you voted for Trump? I know what that reason is, but it might do you some good psychologically to admit it to yourself. And, SERIOUSLY, if you actually believe in some God of justice you should drop to your knees right now and pray for forgiveness.
He: What's worse in things done in deceiving way, Hillary and Bill went to o
Pedifile island and molested kids. And why as soon as she's not president her foundation fails, (because no more pay for play) wake up
Me: one of the Ten Commandments STRICTLY forbids you from bearing false witness against another person. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should take my advice seriously. If your God is real you have placed yourself in very grave danger of eternal damnation.
He: I'm not breaking a commandment, I'm passing on information just as u are, u need help I'm done with your disrespectful talk of our president, and I will continue to pray for lost souls like u
Adam Schiff and Sally Yates - that's the ticket!
Not in a Jon Lovitz sort of way.... Seriously.
Karma's a basterisktch, Mr. Comey
Well, as a rational, skeptical humanist I don't actually believe in "karma" but I CAN foresee some consequences of skullduggery and then recognize them when they occur. And I can justifiably cheer them when they do.
You took it upon yourself, Mr. Comey, to culminate your thirty year quest for Mrs. Clinton's hide by deliberately sinking her presidential campaign, and it didn't even matter that you had to violate your own Department's code of ethics to do it.
You chose a vile madman to lead this country, oblivious to his dangers, for the sake of your own political biases. And now you're being stalked by that same madman. Oops.... did I say "same madman"? He's not the same at all... he's much more powerful now than previously, thanks to YOU. YOU created this monster and it's only fair that YOU should be his primary victim, and even though the monster must be slayed for the good of everyone else I can't find it within myself to feel even an ounce of pity for YOU.
My sad story: I went into a T-shirt shop to have an IMPEACH shirt made
to wear while I'm running errands or at the casino or such, and the guy behind the counter asked what color, size, and so on....
And then a wave of rationality overcame me... I told him "Never mind. Sorry to have bothered you" and left.
And thus is my sad perception of this Southern place. I truly was afraid of getting attacked or even shot.
Does anybody else believe Trump thought that Democrats would applaud Comey's firing?
I really, really think he's that stupid. I really, really believe he thought he was putting one over on Democrats still enraged over Comey throwing the election. It goes like this... he knows that the FBI is closing in on him, and he saw Comey as leading that charge, and that Comey might pull that same public press conference circus... but this time with himself as the embarrassed subject. So, "what to do? what to do? Can't fire Comey for MY own reasons, I have to use THEIRS. And they're going to say 'thank you, it's high time you admitted he did us wrong.'"
So, I'm still holding onto a bit of optimism here.... as with healthcare, the environment, China, the wall, and everything else.... Trump's understanding of issues and circumstances is ill-informed and cursory at best, and almost always erroneous. He probably genuinely thought that getting rid of Comey would wipe away his FBI problems... but I don't think it does. Lord help us if it does.
Where is Michael Flynn? Physically, I mean.
He hasn't been charged with a crime so I imagine he's not being jailed anywhere.
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