Maxheader's JournalFederal judge finds Kris Kobach in contempt of court in voting rights case Read more here: http://w
Source: Kansas City Star
A federal judge on Wednesday found Secretary of State Kris Kobach in contempt of court in a case involving Kansas voting laws, her latest rebuke of the Republican candidate for governor.
Kobach is considered a GOP frontrunner despite his constant court battles involving voter fraud and strict voting requirements that he has pushed while in office as the state's top election official.
In her ruling, U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson in Kansas City, Kan., referred repeatedly to Kobach as acting disingenuously.
She chastised him for failing to treat the voters affected by the ongoing court case the same as all other registered voters in accordance with a previous court order.
The term register is not ambiguous, nor should there have been any question that these voters were to be treated just like any other registered voter, Robinson said in her order.
Instead of a fine in the contempt matter, Robinson ordered Kobach to pay attorneys fees for the plaintiffs in the case.
The Court is troubled by Defendants failure to take responsibility for violating this Courts orders, and for failing to ensure compliance over an issue that he explicitly represented to the Court had been accomplished, Robinson wrote.
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An oddball...
Unfit for government at any level....better off riding a plow
in the Kansas fields...
Kobach tears into Colyer at GOP debate, but Colyer resists urge to 'scream and shout'

Need an example of a kansaas political moron? K. kobach is such an example..
No explanation of the accusations...just kiddy, childish rants. Krissy has the
mindset of a person that has had a head injury from an accident...The only
reason I can think of for his psycho babble...Then again maybe all rightwingers
have similiar trauma from being dropped on their heads at birth..
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach repeatedly tore into Gov. Jeff Colyer when the GOP rivals shared a debate stage for the first time Friday night, accusing the new governor of living in a fantasy land and failing to uphold conservative principles.
Kobach mocked Colyer for thinking that a more than $500 million school finance bill, which he plans to sign, would put an end to the legal wrangling over school funding that has dominated the states politics for decades.
If you pay a kings ransom, which over 500 million bucks is a kings ransom, you are not going to solve the problem, Kobach said. The next day another lawsuit will be filed demanding another ransom. You cant live in a fantasy world where if we just keep paying, we just keep coughing up the money, then sooner or later everybodys going to say theres enough.
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Pompeo could be the first secretary of state nominee to receive an unfavorable committee vote since
Always thought he was a little pompous..A military sort..which there is nothing wrong
with that as long as they leave the 10 hut attitude back at the barracks. When the two and women, gunned down the rest home residents, pompeo ranted about
cells around the country. Claimed there were muslims around the country that had insight
into these attacks...a real xenophobic..
Washington (CNN)It's starting to look like Mike Pompeo might not get a favorable vote from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to support his nomination as secretary of state, after three Democrats (and at least one Republican) on the panel have signaled they'll vote against the current CIA director.
Nominations can advance to full confirmation without a favorable recommendation from committee, but it is relatively uncommon.
But is this the first time? According to the Senate historian's office, there are no instances of a secretary of state nominee receiving an unfavorable committee vote since 1925.
Prior to the mid to late 1920s, nearly all executive Senate committee business was done in closed session, so there was no public record for these actions, the office added.
Exclusive: Inside the GOP plan to discredit Comey
President Donald Trump's allies are preparing an extensive campaign to fight back against James Comey'spublicity tour, trying to undermine the credibility of the former FBI director by reviving the blistering Democratic criticism of him before he was fired nearly a year ago.
The battle plan against Comey, obtained by CNN, calls for branding the nation's former top law enforcement official as "Lyin' Comey" through a website, digital advertising and talking points to be sent to Republicans across the country before his memoir is released next week. The White House signed off on the plan, which is being overseen by the Republican National Committee.
"Comey is a liar and a leaker and his misconduct led both Republicans and Democrats to call for his firing," Republican chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to CNN. "If Comey wants the spotlight back on him, we'll make sure the American people understand why he has no one but himself to blame for his complete lack of credibility."
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Does a rightwinger know the difference between lying and
the truth?
Kansaas gop trying to throw out the courts involvement in school budget finances..
The courts have been raggin on the kansaas govt for years it seems...Telling them they need to fix the schools. I don't know what all needs fixin but the problem is with the rightwing handjobs refusing to cooperate with the courts..fuckers should be held in contempt. What the gop bastards want to do is take the courts out of the debate completely...they don't like being told what to do. So they want the voters to agree to a constitutional amendment that lets the legislature take full responsibility for understanding the "needs" of the school system...and as far as the republican handjobs are isn't the fix...
Kansas Senate to debate school finance after Wagle and Denning blame Ryckman for delay,,
Senate GOP leaders are planning to debate school finance Thursday after blasting House leadership and abandoning a plan to stall until passage of a constitutional amendment.
Senate President Susan Wagle, R-Wichita, and Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning, R-Overland Park, denounced a five-year, $525 million House plan as fiscally irresponsible. A plan in the Senate would add $275 million to public schools.
Lawmakers face an April 30 deadline to present an adequate and equitable solution to the Kansas Supreme Court. Schools are asking for an initial $700 million increase, followed by a $400 million boost and eight years of $100 million additions.
The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday advanced a resolution that would ask voters in November to revise the constitution and give the Legislature unilateral authority over funding for public schools. Speaker of the House Ron Ryckman, R-Olathe, decided not to bring the resolution before the full House this week, where there are 85 Republicans and 84 votes are needed.
Wagle and Denning had refused to debate a school funding plan until the constitutional amendment passed. In a joint statement, they said Ryckman asked them to delay while he gathered support for the amendment.
It is unfortunate that he is unwilling to debate the amendment on the House floor, denying Kansans an opportunity to have a say on how their tax dollars are spent, Wagle and Denning said. After wasting two days at the speakers request, we will debate the Senates school finance plan.
Jill McCabe, wife of fired FBI official, breaks silence: Trump attacks on family were 'nightmare'
Source: Nbc news..
Trump, the Washington Post reported in January, asked Andew McCabe, during an introductory meeting at the White House last year, whom he voted for in the 2016 race (McCabe reportedly responded that he didn't vote) and expressed anger at him over donations his wife had received during her 2015 race from a political action committee associated with then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an ally of Hillary Clinton.
Trump would go on to make repeated public references to the campaign donations, suggesting that the contributions were an attempt to influence the FBIs investigation into Clinton's emails. And, as NBC News reported, even suggested to Andrew McCabe that he ask his wife how it feels to be a loser.
Jill McCabe, in her editorial, ripped Trump's insinuations as "fake and utterly absurd," pointing to the fact that the donations came before her husband became the FBI deputy director.
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Verbal assaults by trump..nothing new. Prick excels at childish
verbal assults..
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Name: RickGender: Do not display
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