Maxheader's JournalYou'll know you've got a winner when...
The democratic candidate talks about reversing all the obama legislation the traitor killed...especially health care...
Decent state radar maps...
Put your zip code where the "97006" (beaverton or.) is located in the string
on the url header...And enter...Should get a weather radar map...
Eye candy?? Kansas says ya gotta pay for it...
Stupid fucking wingers...Have to make everything so g$##damn complicated..This won't keep kids from looking at porn..Its not going to stop the pervys from producing child pornography...You can't legislate...responsibility..The dumb ass rightwingers just can't get that through their heads...
Legislation before Kansas lawmakers would require new phones and computers to block access to pornography, a move that would control what Kansans see online.
But consumers 18 or older could have access for a $20 fee, the bill says.
The bill takes aim at child pornography, prostitution and human trafficking, but would effectively require new phones and computers to stop consumers from accessing any material considered obscene. Similar bills have been introduced in other states across the country.
The legislation applies to all devices and services that help people get online, regardless of who is accessing the internet.
Critics of the Kansas bill immediately raised concerns that it would be unconstitutional. The bills lead sponsor, Rep. Randy Garber, R-Sabetha, said it is an effort to stop human trafficking and pornography.
Because I think if we put some controls on what people can see, young people, that will keep them protected and away from possible human trafficking, Garber said.
The bill requires anyone selling products or services in Kansas that make content accessible on the internet to provide technology that blocks obscene content. Companies would be required to maintain a website or telephone line that consumers can use to report obscene content that isnt being blocked and content that isnt obscene but is being blocked.
The blocking technology can be turned off if consumers prove they are 18 or older, receive a written warning of the potential danger of deactivation and pay a $20 deactivation fee.
The money collected from the fee will go to a fund controlled by the attorney general to help combat human trafficking.
Garber said he agrees that it should be up to parents to control access to pornographic material, adding that parents can pay $20 if they want their children to have access to it.
I think it is up to parents ultimately. The problem is parents cant be with their kids, when they give them a cell phone, 24 hours a day. So the parents might say I dont want you looking at that stuff. Well, if we have a filter on there, they wont be able to look at it, and if the parents want it removed, they can have it removed, Garber said.
Rep. John Carmichael, D-Wichita, said he thinks the legislation would likely be unconstitutional. He said the bill would censor communications over the internet.
I understand folks are concerned about the effects of pornography, particularly on children. There is software thats available that parents can put on their internet connections to deal with this problem, Carmichael said. But I would be very concerned about legislation that provides for monitoring of internet traffic, either by private companies or the government.
He compared it to the expectation of privacy people have when talking over the phone. If the government wants to listen to or restrict what is said over the phone, it must be done based on probable cause and a warrant, he said.
As well intentioned as the bill might be, I would not trade my right to privacy for a mandatory restriction of allegedly pornographic communications that can be dealt with on an individual basis by parents, Carmichael said.
Garbers legislation defines obscenity using the existing definitions in state law. According to Kansas law, obscenity includes patently offensive representations or descriptions of sex, masturbation and sadomasochistic abuse, among acts. It must also, when taken as a whole, lack serious literary, educational, artistic, political or scientific value.
Garber said similar bills have been introduced in several states. The proposals are being pushed by a group called the Special Forces of Liberty.
At least 27 states have Internet filtering laws that apply to publicly funded schools or libraries, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Most apply to internet use at school districts and public libraries.
A 2017 Daily Beast investigation found that a man in his 40s, Chris Seiver, was behind the broader proposal. Sevier once tried to legally marry his computer as a protest over gay marriage. In 2013, he also sued Apple for not automatically blocking porn, saying easy access to pornography caused him to become addicted and ruined his marriage.
US warships again challenge Beijing's claims in South China Sea
Source: CNN
(CNN)The United States sailed two warships close to disputed islands in the South China Sea on Monday (Sunday night, ET), a move that is bound to draw the ire of Beijing.
The guided-missile destroyers USS Spruance and USS Preble sailed within 12 nautical miles of the Spratly Islands as part of what the US Navy calls a "freedom of navigation operation."
The operation was carried out "to challenge excessive maritime claims and preserve access to the waterways as governed by international law," Cmdr. Clay Doss, a spokesman for the US Navy's 7th Fleet, told CNN.
"All operations are designed in accordance with international law and demonstrate that the United States will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows," Doss said, adding "that is true in the South China Sea as in other places around the globe."
Monday's operation was the second in the South China Sea reported by the US Navy this year. In January, the destroyer USS McCampbell sailed within 12 nautical miles of the Paracel Islands.
Shortly after that operation, China accused the US of trespassing in its territorial waters -- and said it had deployed missiles "capable of targeting medium and large ships."
"The US action violated the Chinese laws and international laws, infringed China's sovereignty, damaged regional peace, security, and order," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at the time. "China will take necessary actions to protect state sovereignty."
Read more:
Stupid bastard will get us into a war yet...All its going to take is an itchy missile trigger finger on either side...
Did you see this sh#4!! Re; Silvio De Sousa suspention...KU what it seems to boil down to..The kid has no idea this is going on...
Accusations by people that follow ncaa investigations have this attitude
I guess I''m stunned...

Wagle vs. Sebelius 2020? Wagle worries ex-governor 'will be recruited' for Senate run
Source: Wichita Eagle
As a half dozen potential candidates weigh bids to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts in 2020, one possible Republican contender is publicly voicing fears that former Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius will run.
Sebelius has previously said she doesnt have plans to run for office again. But Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle isnt convinced.
Im worried that Sebelius will be recruited, said Wagle, a Wichita Republican exploring a bid. And I think I could hold that seat.
Wagle faced Sebelius in 2006, when Wagle was the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor and Sebelius was seeking a second term as governor. Wagle and Republican nominee Jim Barnett lost to Sebelius by 17 percentage points.
A lot would have to happen before a head-to-head race between two of the most powerful women in the history of Kansas politics. Sebelius would have to throw her hat in the ring. Wagle would have to win what is expected to be a wide-open Republican primary.
Read more:
Wagle has used her position to help out her family...Always denial of wrong doing...Always
at the helm of rightwinger politics...
Have always like Sebelius...thought she got a bumb wrap on the computer problems implementing obama care...
I wouldn't mind seeing here on the 2020 ticket....somewhere...In kansaas, it would be great to have her
in washington as senator..
I can see this....
An elderly couple had just learned how to send text messages on their new
mobile phones.
The wife was a romantic type and a retired English classical literature teacher.
The husband was a retired Navy Chief and more of a no-nonsense guy.
One afternoon the wife went out to meet a friend for coffee. She decided to
send her husband a romantic text message and she wrote:
"If you are sleeping, send me your dreams. If you are laughing, send me your
smile. If you are eating, send me a bite. If you are drinking, send me a
sip. If you are crying, send me your tears. I love you."
The husband texted back to her: "On the toilet. Please advise."
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Name: RickGender: Do not display
Hometown: Kansas
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Member since: Sat Apr 15, 2017, 10:57 AM
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